Oh jeez, AT&T, don’t you have enough on your plate? You can’t handle your iPhone customers as it is. TechCrunch says some customers’ voicemails go missing for days or even weeks, you can’t enable MMS because there’s no room for it on your system, and the “faster” 3GS isn’t any faster at all on your network. Now comes word that you’ll be the one providing so-called “connectitivty” for Barnes & Noble’s new ebook reader coming out next year. The result: more congestion for every AT&T customer.

What Do You Want In A Consumerist iPhone App?
We’re working on an iPhone app for The Consumerist, along with finally getting a mobile version, mobile.consumerist.com, for the site. Our first iPhone app will be extremely basic. This 1.0 will have iPhone-optimized version of the latest posts, and you’ll have a few drill-down categories to choose from (top stories, features, personal finance…. something else? You tell us). That’s about it. You will not be able to make comments. 1.5 will have comments. 2.0 will be a from the ground up rewrite with all the bells and whistles. So, questions: What categories should be in the 1.0? What dream features do you want to see in the 2.0? Leave your thoughts in the comments.

Verizon Limits Handset Exclusivity To 6 Months
Verizon announced it will limit handset exclusivity deals to 6 months, a bow to pleas by small wireless carriers, and in advance of possible Department of Justice action on its inquiries on the one-carrier deals for the iPhone, Pre and LG Voyager. In its announcement, Verizon noted 24 rural carriers had asked it to limit these anti-competitive deals. Yes, apparently there are that many small carriers still left.

Cancel iPhone Without Venturing Outside
I cancelled an iPhone within the 30 days buyer’s remorse period recently and learned something interesting. Before AT&T will let people who bought their iPhones from Apple cancel service, they want you to return the phone first. They also want proof it was returned. They also want you to print out this proof and take it physically to an AT&T store and show it to them. Returning the phone, I have no problem with. But trekking out to a store to show someone in person a printout of an email?Madness.

Emailfinder.com Sells Wrong Info, Now Woman Has To Show Up In Small Claims Court
Some guy in London fell for an online iPhone scam in January, so he paid $150 to emailfinder.com to track down the identity behind the Hotmail account of the person who scammed him. Now he’s suing Kim, who is completely unrelated to this story (or was, at least), for $4,368 to cover the $1200 he lost on the iPhone scam plus travel expenses for him to show up in small claims court here in the U.S.

Warning, iDrive Lite Spams All Your Gmail Contacts Without Your Permission
Don’t install the iPhone app iDrive Lite if you value the privacy of your contact list. Avi Muchnick, one of the developers behind the free, consumer-friendly online graphics suite Aviary, used iDrive to backup his Gmail contact list when switching to a new phone. The next day, he awoke to discover that iDrive’s parent company, Pro Softnet Corp, had spammed every single entry in his contact list without his permission.

Hackers Smack Down Latest iPhone Firmware, Unlock New Phones
For as long as there have been iPhones, there’s been the requirement to sign up for AT&T service. And as long as that requirement has been around, there have been hackers who release downloads that unlock your phones and free them to access other services.

How To Maintain Your New iPhone's Erection—For Free!
I’ve been a satisfied owner of an original iPhone for a while, and recently upgraded to an iPhone 3G for $99. The crappy part is, on the new phone, Apple is no longer including the handy little dock, forcing the poor device to lie prone, without dignity.

Here’s another free game for iPhone/iPod Touch owners to pass the time this weekend: Wild West Pinball. If you’re a Blackberry owner, Bplay has a 30% off sale going on right now—enter JULY in the code box at checkout. [IntoMobile]

Celebrate The Freedom Of Free Sega iPhone Games This Weekend
Yet another reason to deepen my jealousy of everyone who has an iPhone. Sega is offering a free Independence Day-celebrating download of the puzzle game Columns Deluxe today through Sunday. The download also comes with the lesser-known Puyo POP.

iPhone 3G S Now Comes In Brown
The iPhone 3G S does everything. It’s a cell phone. It connects to the Internet! It’s a compass and a GPS! And it can also function as a tiny space heater.
iPhone/Palm Pre Shootout At The Smartphone Corral
Watch Consumer Reports Electronics pit the iPhone and Pre against each other. Two phones enter. Only one can emerge victorious.

Man Uses New Tracking Feature To Hunt For Stolen iPhone
On Saturday, Kevin lost his iPhone in a bar in Chicago, and by lost we mean someone grabbed it within seconds of him leaving the bar, but no one had seen a thing when he ran back in to ask about it. Since he had the Find My iPhone service activated on it, and his friend had a Sprint 3G dongle on his laptop, they decided to see whether they could track it down. AT&T and Sprint: working together to fight crime!

New Sirius XM App For iPhone Missing All The Good Stuff
The new “premium” (their word) iPhone app from Sirius XM will cost $2.99 a month for customers who aren’t already subscribers. It also doesn’t include Howard Stern, MLB Play-by-Play, NFL Play-by-Play and Sirius Nascar Radio. Sirius blames licensing issues for most of the missing content, but not for the absence of Howard Stern, about which it won’t comment.

Sorry, Your iPhone Reservation Isn't A Reservation
How are Apple Stores doing with the much-anticipated iPhone 3G S launch? Apple fan on the ground Joseph reserved his phone online, queued up outside of his nearest Apple Store this morning at 6:30, and… hit a snag, since his reservation apparently isn’t a reservation.
Apple has announced that they have stopped pre-orders for the iPhone 3G S, which comes out tomorrow “to make sure we have the new iPhone in stock at every Apple retail store,” according to the Boston Globe. [Boston Globe]

AT&T Forcing iPhone Pre-Paid Customers Into Two-Year Contracts
“This is a recommendation,” the technical support person told me. “If you decide not to go, it’s okay but we’re informing customers that service will not be up to par.”