Gizmodo snagged a prototype of what is almost certainly Apple’s next iteration of the iPhone, which an Apple software engineer lost at a bar. The site analyzed the phone and broke it down, but parent company Gawker may now face some legal hot water for trafficking in stolen property, having paid a thief $5,000 for the phone. [More]

Augmented Driving iPhone App Gives Your Car A HUD
The Augmented Driving iPhone app turns your car into a fighter jet. Mount your iPhone on the dash and launch the program and it starts tracking the cars around you, warning with an annoying voice if you get too close and showing you your lane so you don’t drift. Could come in handy for long road trips, as would staying alert and pulling off to a rest stop and taking a nap if you get tired. Only, don’t get so fascinated by playing with your driving app that you get into an accident. Even though it looks like a video game, there’s no replays. Here’s a demo so you can scoff or fawn for yourself: [More]

Apple Gives Cartoonist's App Second Chance After Public Outcry
Four months after Apple said no to an iPhone app from Pulitzer-winning political cartoonist Mark Fiore, the computer company is feeling the blowback from negative publicity and has asked him to resubmit his application. [More]

Smaller iPad Coming Next Year?
If the 9-inch iPad is an enormous iPod touch, what does that make the rumored 7-inch version? An iPad mini? The iPad Portable? Or maybe just the product Apple should have made in the first place, since it will come at a lower price point and won’t require a special jacket just to carry it. [More]

It's Almost Worth Having Your iPhone Stolen Just So MobileMe Can Track It Down
People can steal your iPhone, but if you’ve got the Mobile Me app, you’ll be able to track it down. Florida police used the feature to track down a swiped iPhone and other stoolen goods, First Coast News reports. [More]

iPhone 4.0 Software: Multitasking, Billions Of Ads, No Porn Store
Apple honcho Steve Jobs today unveiled the latest version of the company’s iPhone operating system software, which adds long-awaited multitasking functions, so that you can finally listen to Pandora and check email at the same time. The new OS will also include the iPad’s iBooks app and an email app that will let you manage multiple accounts from a single inbox. What’s missing? Java and Flash are still no-shows. And don’t expect a porn store anytime soon. “There’s a porn store for Android,” Jobs said in response to a question about opening the App Store to unsanctioned products.”You can download it, your kids can download it. That’s a place we don’t want to go, so we’re not going to.” [More]

Verizon CEO Won't Confirm Or Deny iPhone Reports
The rumor winds have been stirring for months about AT&T seeing an end to its iPhone monopoly with Apple set to launch a model that could work on Verizon’s network. Today, Verizon’s CEO would only admit that his company has expressed an interest in being able to offer the iPhone to its customers. [More]

Report: AT&T Beefing Up Network To Prep For iPhone Battle
Following up on yesterday’s news that Apple is preparing to start production on Verizon-compatible iPhones, the Wall Street Journal now says that AT&T has been working since December to improve their existing networks to remain competitive when the inevitable battle for iPhone market share begins. [More]

Don't Worry About What The iPad Costs, You Can't Afford The Apps
One of the cool things about the iPhone ecosystem is there are nearly 17 quintillion apps available for it, and although many of these are crap, the good ones frequently cost only a dollar or two. Even the premium-priced “productivity” apps–things like note pads and to-do lists–rarely cross the $10 threshhold, which means you can load up your iPhone or Touch with a lot of cool stuff on a modest software budget. But if a leaked video of the iPad app store is accurate, you can expect to pay 200-500% more for simple things like 99-cent games, and PC-level prices for more robust apps, on your fancy new iPad. [More]

Report: iPhones For Verizon, Sprint Coming As Early As September
It’s been rumored for months that Apple iPhones would soon be able to be used on U.S. mobile networks other than AT&T, and a new report says the company is finally set to begin mass production on the phones as early as September. [More]

iPhone Won't Make Calls Or Send Texts? Try Disabling 3G
The wunderiPhone can be more like a shiny brick of strife, especially for urban dwellers who want to do futuristic activities like make and receive calls and text messages. That’s because all your fellow connectivity addicts have saturated AT&T’s network. I know people who have had to, on repeated occasions, on a clear night in Manhattan, resort to payphones because of this. But wait, there’s a solution! [More]

Apple Allowing People To Buy iPhones Without A Contract
Gizmodo, citing internal Apple documentation, says that the company is allowing customers to buy iPhones without an AT&T contract. [More]

Apple Now Lets You Give iPhone Apps As Gifts
Because nothing says “Happy Anniversary” or “Congrats on the new baby” like an iPhone app, Apple has recently added the Give a Gift feature to their App Store. [More]

When This Sex App's A Rockin' Don't Come A Knockin'
The Bedometer iPhone App tracks the amount of calories you burn during sex, according to The Sun. You just place it on the bed when things start to get freaky, try not to get so wild that the iPhone falls off or gets submerged in fluids and then check the device to see whether or not you burned off that bagel. [More]

Track Free And Cheap Games For Your iPhone Or Touch
There are several apps on the Apple app store that help consumers track sales and free offers from developers, but you have to launch them and check in regularly. The website App Spy offers an automated price tracker for games (just games, unfortunately) that will send you an email whenever a price threshhold is reached. If you tend to be an app junkie, it can help save you money by letting you get your fix on the cheap good stuff. [More]

Report: Steve Jobs Says You Won't Be Able To Link Your WiFi iPad To Your iPhone
Anyone who currently owns an iPhone and was hoping they would be able to use it as a mobile web access point for a WiFi iPad got some bad news today, as Apple’s turtleneck-in-charge Steve Jobs has reportedly said this will not happen. [More]

iPhone App Lets You Program Comcast DVRs From Afar
A new iPhone App, Comcast Mobile, gives Comcast customers the same ability as DirecTV users to program their DVRs on the go, High-Def Digest reports: [More]