A 68-year old man was arrested for punching a teenager after the kid wouldn’t turn off his iPhone during the final approach for landing. [More]

Vote Now For The Biggest Business Debacle Of 2010
We asked for your input in nominating the biggest business screw-ups of the year and you responded. Now is your chance to vote for a loser from the final five nominees. [More]

Get Consumer Reports Mobile Shopper App For Only $4.99 Through Dec 31
(iOS4 only) For a limited time, you can get a one-year subscription to the Consumer Reports Mobile Shopper App for only $4.99, now through December 31. It’s a sweet way to get Consumer Reports ratings and reviews on-the-go—perfect for when you’re trying to figure out what to exchange gifts for when you’re in the store. The price will bump up to $14.99 after Jan 1, so now’s a great time to give it a shot if you’ve been holding out. [More]

Are SmartPhones Making Us Smarter Shoppers?
Not so long ago, comparison shopping required actually going to several stores or sifting through every circular in the Sunday paper. And even as at-home internet access became commonplace, that didn’t really help if you’d gone to the store without doing the legwork in advance. But the rapid growth of web-enabled phones could be leading to better retail prices and more informed consumers. [More]

Man Turns Water-Damaged iPhone 3GS Into New iPhone 4
Matt was able to turn his water-damage iPhone 3GS into a new iPhone 4 for only $200, even though he hadn’t reached his upgrade time yet, thanks to a lot of persistence, and a little bit of mercy. [More]

Teen Selling White iPhone 4 Kits Accused Of Selling Stolen Goods
While Apple can’t seem to get around to releasing the elusive White iPhone 4, a teenager in New York City has made over $100,000 in the last few months selling kits to convert iPhone 4s from black to white. Now he says he’s being accused by an investigator of selling stolen property. [More]

Google Voice App Finally Hits iPhone
After a long and windy road, the Google Voice app is now available on iPhone. You can make international calls for cheap, send free text messages, and have your Google Voice number show up on people’s caller ID’s when you call. No more of that pesky mobile site workaround business. [More]

How About An App That Warns You When Your Ex Is Near?
We have enough fart, funny picture manipulator, and Starcraft build simulator apps. How about something utile for a change? Lost at E Minor has several propositions, including the “ex” radar that tracks your significant ex so you can avoid running into them in person. Of course, this could be use by stalkers to make sure they run into their ex, but let’s not kill the joke with overthinking. [More]

You Are Not Alone, iPhone Auto-Correct Does That To Other People Too
Do your friends without iPhones wonder why you randomly send them texts with the word “utter” or “boner” in them? The answer, as you’ve explained over and over again, is iPhone auto-correct. [More]

White iPhone 4 Delayed Once More
If you’re sick of your white headphones not matching the black shell of your iPhone, you’ll now have to wait until spring. [More]

Is This The Sony PlayStation Phone?
Love your PSP, but can’t stand Apple fans gloating that their iPhone can play games and make phone calls? Well, if this Engadget photo is any indication, you’re about to share in the fun of long-term contracts, high monthly fees, and random text messages interrupting your gameplay! [More]

iPhone App: Scan Barcode, Get Consumer Reports Ratings
(iOS4 only) Yesterday fellow publishing family member Consumer Reports launched a new $9.99 iPhone app that lets you scan a barcode and get official Consumer Reports ratings, reviews and specs for that product. Fret not, an Android version is in the works. Video walkthrough, inside. [More]

Will This $8 Million iPhone Still Have Death Grip Issues?
Just in time for Christmas, the world’s most expensive phone. At least that’s what the designer of the $8 million dollar diamond-rimmed iPhone 4 claims. [More]

Verizon To Start Selling iPads Later This Month
In a move that might give credence to the latest rumors about a Verizon iPhone, Verizon announced today that it will begin selling Apple’s iPad tablet device on Oct. 28. [More]

The Current State Of The Verizon iPhone Rumor
We generally try to ignore this sort of thing, but quite a few media outlets have jumped on the Verizon iPhone bandwagon. [More]

Is The iPhone 4 'GlassGate' News All It's Cracked Up To Be?
The iPhone 4’s “death grip” antenna issue has been well-documented on the pages of Consumerist and our sister publication Consumer Reports. But now comes news of a possible second design flaw, already dubbed “GlassGate” by some, in which slide-on iPhone 4 cases are reported to have a shattering effect on the device’s rear glass covering. [More]

You Order 2 iPhones, AT&T Ships 4, Sends You To Collections
Redditor Sketchampm says he and his girlfriend ordered two iPhones, and AT&T shipped them four. They sent two back as instructed and got refunded, but AT&T kept sending them bills for the other two phones, which customer service told them to ignore. Today, 3 months later, they get a call from a debt collector, demanding $1,100. [More]

Phillies Fans: Order Food Delivery From Your Seat With iPhone App
For the remaining three home games at Citizens Bank Park in Philadelphia, Phillies fans will be able to get food without having to take a break from watching the greatest team in baseball. [More]