Have you heard of this iPhone thing? It’s the sixth of its kind, and one of them is really big and apparently, people are buying them: Apple says that in the first three days the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus were on sale, the company sold more than 10 million of the new devices. [More]
iphone 6 plus

Some iOS 8 Privacy Settings You Might Want To Tweak
If you got a new iPhone today, or you’re one of the many millions of people with older iPhones and iPads that have now been updated to iOS 8, here are some new privacy settings that you should probably check out sooner rather than later. [More]

Updating To iOS 8? Remember To Turn Off Your Bluetooth Afterward
In advance of the new iPhones coming out this week, Apple has begun rolling out iOS 8, the latest iteration of its operating system for iPhones and iPads. With some who’ve updated their devices already complaining about inefficient battery use, we wanted to remind you of a power-draining annoyance that occurs with every recent update of iOS. [More]

Verizon Allowing Some Early Upgrades During iPhone 6 Frenzy
Verizon is trying to sweeten the pot in its bid to retain customers looking to upgrade to one of the new iPhones. The nation’s wireless company has confirmed that it will allow customers who are on the precipice of upgrade eligibility to take advantage a couple months earlier than their contracts allow. [More]

The Only Way To Avoid Paying A Fee For iPhone Upgrade Is To Pay Full Price
Earlier this week, we looked at the various offers being thrown out by the four major wireless carriers in their attempts to attract people switching to the iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus. What was left out of that discussion — and which seems to be catching a number of customers by surprise today — is that some of them must pay a fee to upgrade. [More]

Apple Online Store, Some Carriers’ Sites Get Glitchy With Start Of iPhone 6 Preorders
We’ve got a sneaking suspicion that whoever was in charge of handling Apple’s livestreaming announcement for its iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus earlier this week might’ve been at the helm of the company’s online store early this morning, after frustrated customers trying to preorder the phones were unable to do so when the clock finally hit the designated hour. [More]

Your Guide To The Major Carriers’ iPhone 6 Offers
Apple announced a couple of new phones yesterday, triggering a Pavlovian response in some consumers that can only be eased by the acquisition of one of these new phones. It also pits the four national wireless carriers against each other in a battle for Apple-hungry customers. [More]

Apple To Launch Photon Death Ray (Or Maybe Just More iPhones & A Watch)
It’s been a few weeks since an Apple CEO summoned the news media to gather before him to be told about the latest incarnation of the iPhone. Sometimes the CEO’s proclamations are worth the attention. Sometimes they are barely worth a press release (yes, we’re looking you, iPhone 5C). Where would today’s announcement fall on that spectrum? [More]