Realizing that it can’t make money if no one uses its products anymore, Microsoft has decided to allow iOS and Android users to access most of the functions in its mobile Office suite of apps — Word, Excel, PowerPoint — without having to pay a hefty annual subscription fee. [More]

CNN Shows That Microsoft Surface Makes Great $799 iPad Stand
From NFL sidelines to product placement in various movies and TV shows, Microsoft has been making a huge marketing push to get its Surface tablets in the hands of people you see on TV. But what’s that distinctive-looking Surface stand actually propping up? In the case of CNN, it’s probably an iPad. [More]

New iPads Go On Sale Tomorrow; Shipping Next Week
As predicted — and leaked by Apple — the company’s big announcement today was for the next generation of its iPad tablets. [More]

Cop Guesses Woman’s iPad Password, Uses Find My iPhone App To Locate Woman Missing After Car Crash
In possibly one of the only instances where you might be lucky to have chosen an easily guessed password, a woman stuck for 13 hours after her car flipped over was finally located after a police officer was able to get into her iPad and activate the woman’s Find My iPhone app. [More]

iPhone 6 Demand Delaying Production On New iPads
The good news for Apple is that the success of the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus is restoring some of the luster to the brand that had faded following the candy-colored disappointment that was the iPhone 5C. The bad news is that keeping up with demand for the new devices is delaying production on new iPads. [More]

Guy Leaves His iPad On A Plane, Gets It Back 10 Days Later With Airline Staff Selfies Included
Usually when you leave an expensive piece of electronic equipment on an airplane, that’s usual the moment where you bid your device goodbye. But one guy traveling to Iceland on IcelandAir had the pleasant surprise of not only getting his iPad back after it hung out at the Reykjavik Airport for 10 days, but also got a few bonus photos. [More]

Apple: We Won’t Unlock Devices When The Police Ask, Because iOS 8 Doesn’t Let Us
After nude photos of celebrities stolen off the iCloud showed up all over the Internet, Apple had a whole lot of egg on its face from customers worried about their own privacy. It seems the company is taking steps to counteract some of those concerns, at least so far as devices are involved, announcing last night that with the iOS 8 software update comes another layer of privacy: The company itself will no longer be able to unlock customers’ devices, even when served with a search warrant. [More]

Nickel Found In iPad May Have Caused Itchy Body Rash On 11-Year-Old
Sitting on the couch dominating the latest “it” game on the tablet seems like a pretty safe activity. But daily use of an iPad reportedly led to a rather unwelcome rash for an 11-year-old California boy. [More]

Steve Jobs Called The Competition With Google’s Android System A “Holy War”
How devoted was the late Steve Jobs to the company he co-founded? Devoted enough for him to liken Apple’s competition with Google’s Android operating system to a “holy war,” according to emails unearthed by Samsung’s lawyers as part of the Korean company’s legal fight against Apple. [More]

This iPad Ad Placement Is Most Unfortunate
On Monday, the Malaysian government announced that they are certain that Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 crashed somewhere in the Indian Ocean, with no survivors. That’s an international tragedy and an important news story, and was the top story on the New York Times website. Unfortunately, Apple was running a large and beautiful iPad advertisement on the front page at the time. An ad that featured a diver using an iPad underwater. [More]

Most Apps Mobile Users Purchase Are Free
This piece of news will surprise absolutely no one: most smartphone and tablet applications that consumers purchase are free to download. Not free to use, necessarily, thanks to in-app purchases and upgrades, but free to download. Analysis by Statista for the Wall Street Journal shows that the consumers who spend the most on apps are iPad users, who shell out an average of fifty cents each for apps.

Scammer Does A Decent Job Of Making Floor Tile Look Like An iPad
We’ve said it before, but it’s worth repeating: When you’re buying an iPad at a deep discount from a complete stranger off the street, don’t be surprised when you end up with a box of useless junk. And even when that friendly back-alley retailer shows you what appears — through layers of bubble wrap — to be the real deal, be warned that it’s probably just a tarted-up floor tile. [More]

Fisher-Price’s Apptivity Seat: Harmless And Educational Or Captive Brainwashing Device?
We know consumers’ love for all things technology begins early, but what’s too early? The Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood defines too early is when you hold your infant or toddler captive with an iPad dangling infront of his or her face. [More]

Baby Not Old Enough For The iPad Potty? Not A Problem
If your child isn’t old enough for the iPad potty chair and you simply can’t wait to prop her up in front of a tablet screen at close range, there’s always another option: the Apptivity seat from Fisher-Price. It’s an iPad chair for kids from birth until toddlerhood. It’s an improvement over the potty-seat version in that it was not explicitly designed as a toilet. [More]

7 Examples Why You Should Always Check Inside That iPad Box Before You Leave Walmart
As most regular readers of the site know, iPad boxes seem to be the perfect fit for scammers who buy the device, take it home, remove it from the box, seal it back up and return it for a refund… only to saddle some unsuspecting future customer with a box full of useless crud later. [More]

Target Sells Demo iPad Pre-Loaded With Imaginary Lady’s Pictures And Contacts
A Canadian woman found the best Black Friday deal for an iPad at Target, a newcomer on the Great White Northern retail scene. She didn’t just get a tablet and a $115 Target gift card, but a bonus too: contact information and photographs belonging to another customer. Or so she thought. [More]

iOS App Vulnerability Allows Hackers To Attack Device Via WiFi
A group of mobile security researchers say they have discovered a vulnerability in many mobile apps running on iOS that could allow a hacker to hijack the information being provided to a mobile device when used over an unsecured WiFi network. [More]