
3 Stupid Financial Mistakes Sasha Made In 2007

3 Stupid Financial Mistakes Sasha Made In 2007

Sasha over at Consumerism Commentary is actually working on a list of five stupid mistakes from last year, but she’s uploading them one at a time and we’re getting tired of waiting. We’ll post a quicklink or something to the remaining two in a few days. Anyway, here are mistakes one through three, another person’s financial self-flogging in public for your edification, or grim enjoyment.

11 Common Tax Planning Mistakes

11 Common Tax Planning Mistakes

It’s not as sexy a topic as dog treats, but it’s an important one: tax planning mistakes. More specifically, how to avoid some of the most common ones. Kiplinger lists 11 frequent mistakes you should be aware of if you don’t want an unpleasant surprise come April.

10 Tips For Lowering Your Taxes

10 Tips For Lowering Your Taxes

This list of ten tips to reduce taxes was published nearly a year ago, but they’re still relevant, and we thought now would be a good time to share them before Kiplinger releases its new “10 Ways” list later this month. Among the tips: make sure you load up your retirement accounts and flexible spending accounts, and remember that the government gives you a 2 ½ month grace period on reimbursing yourself from an over-funded flex account.

E*Trade Is Bailed Out, But At A High Price

E*Trade Is Bailed Out, But At A High Price

Citadel Investment Group has agreed to provide E*Trade with $2.5 billion in cash to bail it out of trouble, reports BusinessWeek. The cash includes a purchase of $3 billion worth of E*Trade’s “toxic, asset backed securities” at 29 cents on the dollar, for a total cost of about $800 million. In exchange, E*Trade’s CEO Mitch Caplan must resign.

Set Up Your Own Funeral Trust

Set Up Your Own Funeral Trust

Don’t set up an irrevocable funeral trust through your insurance company, says MarketWatch columnist Chuck Jaffe.

10 Great Finance Books

10 Great Finance Books

Trent at The Simple Dollar read a new finance book every week for a year, ranking them according to how original and useful they were, and now he’s compiled a list of his top ten picks. According to Trent, if you read these ten books (and maybe the ones coming in at #11 and #12), “You’ll have absorbed basically all the useful material in every book on the list.”

His top pick is “Your Money or Your Life,” by Joe Dominguez and Vicki Robin, a “big picture” book that looks at how and why you spend your money.

Make Sure You Know What You're Doing Before You Invest In Gold

Make Sure You Know What You're Doing Before You Invest In Gold

A lot of financial advisors have suggested investing in gold lately, since the U.S. economy seems headed for the crapper and gold tends to increase in value as the dollar plummets. And a lot of people seem to be following that advice, because gold is up above $750 an ounce now, “its highest level since 1980,” says SmartMoney. But gold investments can change value quickly and can be even more difficult to predict than regular investments, so don’t go all Scrooge McDuck on the gold hoarding.

12 Ways For You To Beat Inflation

12 Ways For You To Beat Inflation

The Digerati Life has a lengthy article that offers 12 tips on how to help beat the eroding power of inflation. Broadly speaking, you should first recognize that inflation erodes purchasing power in the long run and take steps to insure yourself from it, while also being “mindful of when inflation rates rise” and taking additional measures during those periods.

Seven Tips For Soon-To-Be College Grads

What was the most helpful piece of advice you received after graduating? Tell us in the comments. — CAREY GREENBERG-BERGER

Charles Schwab's Bad Computer Costs Customer $17,500

Has someone’s temerity ever cost you? How much? How about $17,500? Jeffrey writes:

Convert Interest Rates To Actual Interest

Convert Interest Rates To Actual Interest

It ain’t alchemy but it can turn lead into gold.

H&R Block Execs Gave IRA Fraud Big Hug, Spitzer Says

H&R Block Execs Gave IRA Fraud Big Hug, Spitzer Says

The cock just keeps rocking at the H&R Block terrordome.