Marsh, a grocery chain in Indiana and Ohio, made a special coupon available to their fans on Facebook. The coupon was good for $10 off a purchase of $10 or more. Great deal, right? Until the promotion got out of hand, and the store stopped accepting the coupon on Friday, with no warning to customers. Based on past similar experiences, you can guess how well this turns out.
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Kroger Won't Accept Coupons From …Kroger?
John printed out some coupons from grocery store Kroger’s Web site. That’s not where he went wrong, though. John had the audacity to try to exchange them for discounts. On Kroger brand products. At Kroger. Experienced coupon users can guess what happens next.

KFC Free Grilled Chicken Promotion is Over, Restaurants Will Issue Rainchecks
In a move that surprises absolutely no one, KFC has ended its free chicken promotion. If you still have a coupon, visit a participating restaurant for a raincheck.(Side note: The president of KFC is Australian South African?!)