
Consumerist Ask Metafilter Round-Up

So, not that it matters, but, were I to make a paltry political contribution, what would be the most strategic fund for a donation? [Link]

Dental Insurance Is A Blue Cross To Bear

Dental Insurance Is A Blue Cross To Bear

Thanks to some lying dentists, Georgena’s toothache turned into a real pain in the ass.

Counterpoint: God Denies Causing Car Accident

Counterpoint: God Denies Causing Car Accident

Martin, also a California lawyer, doesn’t believe God was in that crashing car at all. He writes:

Why The Car Accident Was God’s Fault

Why The Car Accident Was God’s Fault

While we were busy being befuddled, a California lawyer slipped a smart-bomb in the comments.

God Works In Mysterious Car Accidents

Did you know that if a guy has a stroke while driving and barrels into four other cars, and no one knows he had a tumor beforehand, it’s considered an Act of God?

State Farm Lacks Persistence of Vision

State Farm Lacks Persistence of Vision

State Farm is convinced that Rick was involved in a hit and run in San Francisco in July, even though he was out of town all that month and it seems they don’t even have the right license plate. Just to be sure, they stopped by Rick’s house to take photos of his car, a feat in and of itself as they intially demanded he bring it to their offices himself.

Consumerist Ask Metafilter Round-Up

• Tonight I was paying at a gas station and I used the keypad to enter my pin. The numbers 2, 3 and 4 showed tremendous wear compared to all other keys except the enter key. Are these numbers most common in pins? [Link]

The Fire Was The Easy Part

The Fire Was The Easy Part

State Farm: Love The Smart, Make Them Stupid

State Farm: Love The Smart, Make Them Stupid

State Farm offers a ‘good student’ discount on their car insurance to kids with a decent GPA. I’d like to call foul on this: there’s no statistical evidence that stupid slackers like me drive any worse than the pocket-protecting elite.

Update: State Farm Isn’t All There

Update: State Farm Isn’t All There

The Car Insurance Penis Tax

Okay, this guy’s an ass: as a rule, we don’t like smarmy consumers like this. Moreover, it’s got some strategic edits which are suspect. Hell, I suspect Tim’s part of the call was recorded independently of Luke’s “Aren’t I just so clever?” retorts.

State Farm Isn’t All There

State Farm Isn’t All There

Short Story: State Farm sends a letter telling Rick he was ID’d as fleeing a hit-and-run accident. They claim to have a photograph of Rick.

Geico Doesn’t Know Whose Car You Drive

Geico Doesn’t Know Whose Car You Drive

Geico is happy to take your money to insure you. But they don’t know whose car you drive. They don’t know what kind of car you drive. And even when your Geico agent tells you that you’ve won, that really means that you’re at fault.

Insurers to Travelers: “Lost Laptop? Not Our Problem.”

If you’re flying out of Britain to the United States, you’ve got an 8 hour in-flight of dreary ennui ahead of you. Your laptops, your PDAs, your cellphones, your shiny PSP must all be left in check-in, to be flung about, searched and rooted through by an armada of anonymous baggage check monkeys.

Don’t Get a Kidney from Kaiser

Kaiser agreed to a punitive damages totaling $5 million after opening a new kidney transplant center with a disapointing success rate, to say the least.

Insurance Insurance Only For Insurance Companies

Insurance Insurance Only For Insurance Companies

Buffeted by the winds of a reader’s exultations, we sometimes get things wrong. Or, if not wrong, not completely right. Daniel writes:

Turns Out You CAN Get Insurance Insurance

Turns Out You CAN Get Insurance Insurance

CIGNA Changes Mind About Paying $9700 Surgery Bill

CIGNA Changes Mind About Paying $9700 Surgery Bill

Ahhh, the second of the insurance stories has trickled in and it’s a rip-roaring doozy.