
AT&T: Being Robbed At Knifepoint Will Not Help You Qualify For The Cheaper iPhone

AT&T: Being Robbed At Knifepoint Will Not Help You Qualify For The Cheaper iPhone

Reader Anthony was robbed at knifepoint by a jerk with a 10″ blade, but his real complaint is that he feels that AT&T is robbing him again. After he filed a police report and told AT&T that his new iPhone had been stolen, they told him that since he already bought an iPhone he no longer qualified for the subsidized price of $199.

Target Generic Costs Less, But It's 1/2 Strength

Target Generic Costs Less, But It's 1/2 Strength

Conventional thinking says that you should buy based on better unit price, but Target knows this and has figured out a way to trick you. On the left is a name brand joint-strengthener, on the right, Target’s generic. Going just by unit price, Target looks like the better deal. But let’s see what’s going on on the back label…

Aflac Accidentally Introduces 624 Strangers To Each Other Via Mass Email

Aflac Accidentally Introduces 624 Strangers To Each Other Via Mass Email

We’d hoped that Activision’s blunder would be the last one, but it turns out the HR department at Aflac can’t find the BCC field either. Reader Corey writes in to let us know he just received an email addressed to him and 623 other people who were interested in jobs with the insurance company. Our guess is some of the recipients won’t be so interested in a career with a company that doesn’t care about the privacy of its employees. After the jump, a quick guide to obscuring other recipients’ email addresses so this doesn’t happen again.

Comcast: Fire Destroyed Your Cable Box? Pay Up.

Comcast: Fire Destroyed Your Cable Box? Pay Up.

Here’s one more thing to worry about when a fire destroys your home — Comcast.

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

When should you spend to save? [MSN Money] “Are warehouse store memberships a good deal? How about extended warranties? It all depends on the products — and on you, the shopper.”

Your Best Investment: Your Health

Your Best Investment: Your Health

It’s been suggested that your career is your biggest financial asset because it fuels all of your financial progress — it grows your net worth, pays for your living expenses, sends your kids to college,funds your retirement, and the like. That’s why we protect our careers with products like disability, medical, and life insurance, because without the ability to work — even for a limited amount of time — most of us would experience severe financial hardship.

BCBCS Must Think Your Breasts Are A "Pre-Existing Condition"

BCBCS Must Think Your Breasts Are A "Pre-Existing Condition"

Marc’s girlfriend found some lumps in her breasts, the mammogram and ultrasound came back ok, but BCBS is denying coverage for the biopsy, saying it’s a “pre-existing condition.” The out-of-pocket cost is over $2,000. We’re confused, BCBS. What pre-existing condition? That she has breasts? That she might not have cancer?

Shun Brand Name Drugs With Two Letters After The Name And Save

Shun Brand Name Drugs With Two Letters After The Name And Save

What do those little letters, CD, ER, SR, etc, after a brand name drug’s name mean? The exact terminology varies, but they usually translate to the same thing: unnecessary ripoffs.

14 Ways To Save On Drugs Big Pharma Doesn't Want You To Know

14 Ways To Save On Drugs Big Pharma Doesn't Want You To Know

It’s no secret that prescription drugs are expensive, but it is a bit of one that they don’t have to be. Dr. Edward Jardini’s book, How To Save On Prescription Drugs, has 20 methods that anyone can use to drastically cut the costs of long-term medications, without sacrificing quality. Here’s 14 of them:

Your Brother Committed Suicide? No Insurance For You

Your Brother Committed Suicide? No Insurance For You

Consumer Reports has an interview with the mother of a young man who couldn’t get any insurance because, after his brother committed suicide when he was younger, he saw a psychiatrist for a few sessions. He went uninsured after he aged out of his father’s coverage and taking jobs with no health benefits. Then, while he was cleaning it, his pickup truck burst into flames.

GMAC Insurance: Drive Less, Pay Less

GMAC Insurance: Drive Less, Pay Less

People who drive fewer than 15,000 miles per year can save 13-54% on their GMAC insurance premiums under a GMAC Insurance’s new Low-Mileage Discount. All you have to do is opt-in to let OnStar monitor your mileage. The average annual vehicle mileage is about 12,000 miles, according to the Department of Energy’s Annual Energy Review ’06, so it looks like most people with GMAC insurance and OnStar could save under OnStar’s Low-Mileage Discount Program. With the need to save every dollar on your car, this could be a good program for eligible drivers to check out by calling 1-800-GMAC-123 or going to

Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Georgia Sends 202,000 Letters Containing Personal Information To The Wrong Addresses

Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Georgia Sends 202,000 Letters Containing Personal Information To The Wrong Addresses

Well, if you’re having a bad day at work, rest assured that someone in Georgia is having a worse one. The Journal-Constitution is reporting that 202,000 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia customers had their personal information exposed, including (in some cases) their social security numbers, thanks to an error in the computerized mailing system. The system was apparently used before it was tested.

Man Wins $25k But Never Receives The Money

Man Wins $25k But Never Receives The Money

Back in January, Herbert Hawks made a hole-in-one on a golf simulator at the Maryland State Fairgrounds, and he won $25,000. (You can watch the winning shot here.) WBAL TV reports that as of late July he has yet to see the prize money, and every person or company the TV station has contacted passes the blame on to someone else. At the bottom of the list is Golf Marketing Worldwide, a company that insures hole-in-one contests and has a history of not paying out on contests and/or doing business in states where the company doesn’t have a license.

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

The smartest advice I ever got [CNN Money] “40 great minds share the best money lessons they ever learned.”

Could Generic Drugs Be Even Cheaper Without The Middle Man?

Could Generic Drugs Be Even Cheaper Without The Middle Man?

The WSJ Health Blog says that pharmacy benefit managers are marking up the amount they charge your insurance company for generic drugs and keeping the difference. Often the mark-up isn’t too severe, but the WSJ has one example where the difference was over a hundred dollars.

Help! How Can I Make Sure My Money Is Covered By The FDIC!?

Help! How Can I Make Sure My Money Is Covered By The FDIC!?

The FDIC says there were over a billion dollars in assets at IndyMac that were not covered by the FDIC. Why not?

The Post Office Will Pay Out Your Insurance Claim… If Their Employees Admits To Abuse

The Post Office Will Pay Out Your Insurance Claim… If Their Employees Admits To Abuse

The post office won’t pay Alauna’s insurance claim for a damaged Hewlett-Packard laptop unless one of their employees admits to intentionally abusing her package.

EECB Scores Direct Hit On United Heathcare, Corrects $700 Billing Error

EECB Scores Direct Hit On United Heathcare, Corrects $700 Billing Error

Nick was tired of getting the run around from his insurance company, part of United Heathcare, over frequent (and pricey) billing errors.