
"Public Option" Removed From Senate Health Care Reform Proposal

"Public Option" Removed From Senate Health Care Reform Proposal

Senate Democrats have just hammered out a new version of their proposed health care reform proposal, and as a compromise they’ve removed the part about requiring a government-run insurance program. The public option is still part of the proposal, but now it will only be triggered if the private sector doesn’t create some new national nonprofit policies as spelled out by the government. [More]

PayPal Abandons Another Scammed Seller

PayPal Abandons Another Scammed Seller

Todd got ripped off by a scammer on an eBay purchase. He made sure to insure the device before shipping it off via the United States Postal Service, but it turns out that an insurance claim won’t help him get PayPal to step up. [More]

5 Questions To Make A Doc's Head Explode

5 Questions To Make A Doc's Head Explode

Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield has a microsite game called “Resist The System” where if you ask too many questions the health care receptionist’s head explode. [More]

New Study Suggests Drug Ads Ineffective, But Expensive For Consumers

New Study Suggests Drug Ads Ineffective, But Expensive For Consumers

Researchers at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver looked at sales figures and prices for the blood thinner Plavix after direct-to-consumer advertising started in 2001. What they found was that the campaign was largely ineffective at increasing prescribing rates, but that the price of the drug shot up 12% almost immediately to cover the cost of the marketing campaign. [More]

Does This Potty Seat Need An Extended Warranty?

Does This Potty Seat Need An Extended Warranty?

Kelly just bought a plastic Baby Bjorn potty seat at Babies R Us. When the cashier rang it up, the system told her to ask Kelly if she’d like to pay another 30% of the purchase price for a service plan.

Depressed Lady Loses Benefits Because Of Her Facebook Photos

Depressed Lady Loses Benefits Because Of Her Facebook Photos

A depressed woman has lost her benefits because her insurance agent found Facebook photos where she appears to be having fun.

Quickly Find Nearby Flu Shots With Google Maps

Quickly Find Nearby Flu Shots With Google Maps

Want to quickly and easily know where you can get a flu shot nearby?

Your Credit Report Isn't The Only Report You Should Monitor

Your Credit Report Isn't The Only Report You Should Monitor

When an insurer decides whether to offer you a new policy, or whether to raise rates on a current one, he most likely pulls a CLUE report that lists any homeowner or automobile insurance loss claims (or sometimes even just inquiries) that you’ve made over the past 3-7 years. Hopefully you monitor your consumer credit report for errors, but as you can see, that’s not the only one you should keep an eye on.

10 Strategies To Lower Your Auto Insurance

10 Strategies To Lower Your Auto Insurance

Over at the Mint blog they’ve posted a list of 10 ways to reduce your car insurance premium. You’ll want to contact your current insurer and ask some questions, like whether they offer a discount for paying up front, or if they’ll cut you a deal for being a long-term customer.

What To Consider Before Buying An Extended Warranty

What To Consider Before Buying An Extended Warranty

The New York Times has an article about why consumers buy extended warranties for electronic products and other appliances, especially since we rarely have enough information at the moment of sale to make an informed decision. Here are three things to watch out for the next time you’re buying some fun electronic device.

Capital One Activates Payment Protection Plan Thanks To EECB

Capital One Activates Payment Protection Plan Thanks To EECB

Earlier this week, I posted about a college student who couldn’t get Capital One’s Emergency Payment Protection Plan activated on his account because of missed deadlines. Andon wrote back today to say that after he sent an EECB to the credit card company’s executives, they apologized and activated the service.

Capital One Tricks Customer Into Not Activating Emergency Payment Protection Plan

Capital One Tricks Customer Into Not Activating Emergency Payment Protection Plan

Cory wrote in earlier to complain about Capital One‘s nasty habit of having their collection department call you to upsell you on other products. At almost the same time, Andon wrote to us to let us know that the company’s protection plan—the sort of thing they’re trying to sell to people like Cory—is useless unless you can manipulate time (Andon can’t).

6 Things Your Insurance Agent Doesn't Need To Hear

6 Things Your Insurance Agent Doesn't Need To Hear

MSN Money Central posted a list of five things not to tell your insurer.

Skinny Toddlers Also Can't Get Insurance?

Skinny Toddlers Also Can't Get Insurance?

We guess we should have seen this one coming. After news broke of the uninsurable fat baby last week, MSNBC found a similar case on the other end of the spectrum. A Colorado family with a 22-pound two-year-old says that United HealthCare told them their daughter Aislin is too small to qualify for insurance under their guidelines.

Ryder Charges Guy $200 For Damages He Didn't Cause, Gives Money Back

Ryder Charges Guy $200 For Damages He Didn't Cause, Gives Money Back

It doesn’t take much to please some customers. Patrick tells us Ryder charged him $200 for moving truck damages that already existed before he rented the vehicle.

Fat Little Babies Can't Get Insurance?

Fat Little Babies Can't Get Insurance?

Up until yesterday, 4-month-old Alex Lange was considered uninsurable by Rocky Mountain Health Plans because he was above the 95th percentile for height and weight for his age—that gave him a pre-existing condition of obesity, and earned him a stamp of rejection.

The Best States For Health Care

The Best States For Health Care

A new report has been published that ranks the quality of health care for all 50 states and the District of Columbia. It’s not looking too swell for people who live in the South.

OfficeMax Won't Send Customer A Refund Gift Card That Works

OfficeMax Won't Send Customer A Refund Gift Card That Works

When Dave bought a monitor from OfficeMax he opted for the MaxAssurance insurance plan. His bet that the monitor would break paid off, but he’s been unable to cash out because OfficeMax keeps sending him gift cards that won’t work. He writes: