Last summer, Instagram introduced Stories to its platform, a feature that happens to be very similar to competitor Snapchat’s story feed. Until now, one key difference between the two has been that Snapchat’s tried putting ads between the stories, while Instagram hasn’t tried that to date. Now it will. [More]

Is It Time To Get Serious About Cracking Down On Stealth Instagram Ads?
If you’ve used Instagram, you’re almost certainly familiar with apparently real people touting tummy-flattening tea, an array of subscription boxes, the benefits of some multilevel marketing scheme, or the latest in fashion, beauty, and electronics. If these people are being paid to shill these products, then they have to clearly be flagged as ads. Though the Federal Trade Commission has pledged to get serious about going after advertisers who taint your Instagram feed with these stealth ads, some consumer advocates say the FTC simply isn’t doing enough. [More]

Rejoice! You Can Now Zoom In On Instagram Photos, Videos
How many times have you looked at an Instagram photo on your smartphone and instinctively tapped the picture to get a closer look at the details captured, only to be reminded that the photo sharing site doesn’t support zoom? Countless. Well, that’s about to change, finally. [More]

NBC Universal Will Make Original “Shows” For Snapchat
A number of high-profile entertainment companies are already programming content for Snapchat, but for the most part it’s repurposed stories, photos, list-icles, and infographics that has seen life elsewhere in the world. However, NBC Universal seems to believe Snapchat could be a platform for exclusive original content. [More]

Instagram Will Let You Filter Comments On Your Photos
It’s always nice to get positive, and even constructive, feedback on your Instagram photos. It’s not so nice when someone takes the time to hurl insults or make threats in the comments. Soon, Facebook-owned Instagram will give users new anti-harassment tools that let them hide unseemly messages left on their photos. [More]
Instagram Will Now Let All Users Filter Comments By Keyword
The internet — and its accompanying social media networks — can be a fickle beast. The same post could have friendly, supportive feedback right next to vitriolic, threatening rants from complete strangers. Last month, Instagram began testing a feature that let high-profile users filter out unwanted comments based on keywords, and now that new tool is becoming available to all Instagram users. [More]