Pokémon Go players have basically one job: catch Pokémon. Pesticide workers also have a job to do: kill bugs. Those two occupations are getting a bit tangled up in Texas, where truck drivers trying to spray for mosquitoes are happening upon swarms of Pokémon Go fans at all hours of the day and night. [More]

Pesticide Workers Finding It Tricky To Spray For Mosquitoes Amid Swarms Of Pokémon Go Players

Store Clerk Fends Off Would-Be Robber By Spraying Her With Insecticide
Necessity is the mother of invention, as someone famous and ancient once said, and Plato would be right in the case of a convenience store clerk faced with a would-be robber. She says she didn’t know if the woman demanding money from the register was armed, but darned if she wasn’t going to arm herself… with a can of bug killer. [More]

Lowe's: Where Fuzzy Math Stings Like A Wasp
How much bug spray does one household need? Wasp stings hurt, so it’s a good idea to stay protected. Even if buying a two-pack costs more than buying two individual cans. You know, safety. And volume pricing. Important things. [More]

Landlord Accused Of Surprise Bug Bomb Attack On Tenant
There’s legal proceedings a-brewin’ in New York City. A man has file suit against his landlady — to the tune of $1 million — claiming she decided to do some mass bug-bombing in his apartment… while he and his family were still at home. [More]

Ecosense Brand Insecticide Not Eco-Friendly, Makes No Sense
Reader Dan came across Ortho’s Ecosense insecticide in the store, and noticed something strange. The name “Ecosense” implies some kind of crunchy environmental friendliness, does it not? Why, it’s even written in green right on the package. So why does the package also have the disclaimer, “not intended to imply environmental safety either alone or compared to other products”?