Trevor just acquired a beautiful new 27″ iMac. We’d be totally jealous if the computer were still working, but it’s not. It suddenly died after he had been using it for only six days, and he can’t revive it. iMac, nooo! Come back! He’s never getting his iMac back, and has to wait a few weeks for a replacement. [More]

Pranksters Prey On The General Public's Love Of All Things Apple By Pretending To Drop iMacs
Spoiler alert: There aren’t any actual iMacs being dropped in this video, so unlike the unwitting bystanders who witnessed these pranks in person, there’s no need to gasp. But you might feel a giggle come on watching pranksters from Awesomeness TV shocking strangers by tossing around iMac boxes on the street. [More]

Apple Customers Growing Frustrated Over Defective 27-Inch iMacs
Some unlucky iMac owners are still having problems with the screens on their new 27″ models, including a writer for TechCrunch and another for Gizmodo. TechCrunch offers a DIY tip for dealing with the screen while you decide whether to return the product. Gizmodo, however, is warning readers not to buy an iMac until Apple can demonstrate that the problem has been resolved. [More]

CompUSA Refuses To Accept Cash
A CompUSA cashier summoned her manager and a security guard when Bud tried to pay for his purchases with cash. The promise of 40% discounts drew Bud to the Boisie, Idaho store, but he settled for a 10% discount on an iMac and several accessories.
I start counting out hundred dollar bills and the clerk goes nuts! “Sir, we don’t accept cash for this kind of purchase! You must use a credit card!” she says at the top of her lungs. (I see her also hit a button on the phone at the same time.)