Apple Customers Growing Frustrated Over Defective 27-Inch iMacs

Some unlucky iMac owners are still having problems with the screens on their new 27″ models, including a writer for TechCrunch and another for Gizmodo. TechCrunch offers a DIY tip for dealing with the screen while you decide whether to return the product. Gizmodo, however, is warning readers not to buy an iMac until Apple can demonstrate that the problem has been resolved.
Over at TechCrunch, MG Siegler says that if you set a corner to trigger “display sleep” mode, you can activate that whenever the flickering starts and buy yourself a few more hours of flicker-free use.
But Gizmodo’s Mark Wilson thinks you should just get another product altogether:
I have yet to hear from someone who has successfully replaced a yellow iMac with one that’s perfectly functional. That’s a bad, bad, bad sign for Apple’s current yield. (Hopefully, a few of you will keep attempting, so we can see if Apple gets their act together.) However, it seems that Apple has been pushing more users toward repairing their systems rather than getting them replaced. I didn’t settle for getting a new product (that should be in mint condition) repaired, and imho, neither should you—in which case, some of you will be stuck only with the option to return.
“A Quick And Dirty Fix For The 27-inch iMac Screen Problem” [TechCrunch] (Thanks to James!)
“The Faulty iMac Saga: Chapter 1” [Gizmodo]
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