
The Consumerist Goes to IKEA

The Consumerist went shopping for a couch at IKEA this weekend. We made a tight little movie about it.

HOWTO: Get an IKEA Catalogue

HOWTO: Get an IKEA Catalogue

Jessica Coen, one of our chaste sisters kept cloistered in an attic room over at Gawker.com, had a very strong reaction to our IKEA catalogue review. To wit:

We Take the IKEA Catalogue to the Bathroom and Lock the Door

We Take the IKEA Catalogue to the Bathroom and Lock the Door

The new IKEA catalogue is here. Oooh. Touch it. Glossy. Slidey. Smells like snow.

TPM’s Collection of Ikea Woes

We’ll cop to sort of being taken aback by Ikea, as our first experience with the Scandinavian furniture superstore was just a couple years ago. We’re still somewhat in shock at how much appearance of good furniture one can get for such a small amount of money. Plus, as we are legally required to mention, meatballs.