identity theft

Senator Reid Identity Theft Victim

Senator Reid Identity Theft Victim

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid canceled his Mastercard after someone stole it and ran up over $2000 in charges.


• Freezing Conan O’ Brian? Bad customer service we can understand, Comcast, but that’s just vindictive. [Kevin Green]

Online Fraudster Interviewed

Online Fraudster Interviewed

SmallWorldPodcast interviewed El Mariachi, a man who commits online fraud and identity theft. The interview reveals details about another scammer, Dillinger, who was involved with the ATM hacks of the ill-fabled “Russian Connection” scandal.

Stolen VA Laptop Bought By ‘Some Guy’ From Back of Van

Stolen VA Laptop Bought By ‘Some Guy’ From Back of Van

Millions of beleaguered Vets can breathe a wheezy sigh of relief that the stolen laptop that housed their social security numbers has been recovered. But hey, exactly how was it recovered? And how come everyone’s just so gosh darn confident that the data wasn’t accessed?

The News; Bury My Lump of Coal Under the Old Apple Tree

The News; Bury My Lump of Coal Under the Old Apple Tree

• BP oil contains black soylent green. [CT] “Jackson Leads Anti-BP March Near Refinery”

Portrait of an Idio… Er, Identity Thief

Portrait of an Idio… Er, Identity Thief

Meet Shiva Sharma. Husband, father, identity thief, inmate of the Mohawk Correctional Facility in Rome, New York. Shiva has no idea how much money he’s stolen from other people, but by the time of his third arrest for identity theft, he’d been nailed in connection with over $150,000 in credit card fraud transaction.

Stolen Veteran Affairs Laptop Recovered

Stolen Veteran Affairs Laptop Recovered

After much hand and flag-wringing, a laptop containing millions of veteran’s personal data has been recovered. A preliminary analysis by police reveals that the sensitive information was not accessed during the theft.

ID Theft Much Cheaper Than Thought?

ID Theft Much Cheaper Than Thought?

One number bandied with reckless abandon is $48 billion dollars, supposedly the total lost to identity theft. That’s lot of money.

Consumerist Data Theft Story #30451: AIG Server Stolen

Consumerist Data Theft Story #30451: AIG Server Stolen

The last 930,000 people in the world who have yet to have their identities stolen can rest easy. Congratulations, guys! You’ve finally joined the status quo!

Army Knowledge Online Addresses Veteran ID Theft

Army Knowledge Online Addresses Veteran ID Theft

In addition to mass mailing a percentile point of rain forest to every veteran in America, the US Military’s intranet site Army Knowledge Online posted a letter today warning all active soldiers that their identities were already threading through the Internet like tapeworms, just looking for a Russian hacker to attach themselves parasitically to. Or maybe it’s vice versa.

Man Fights Identity Thief and Wins

Imagine getting mugged in LA and having your social security card stolen. It might not seem so far fetched that its number would be used to graft an identity onto an illegal alien. But what might be a surprise, is if years later, the guy’s still walking around with your name and you go to the car lot, they run a credit check, and not only does the guy have several cards in your name, he has way better credit than you do!

Veterans Affairs Sends Mass Apology

Veterans Affairs Sends Mass Apology

How Safe Is Your Identity?

It seems like every day another laptop is stolen containing millions of people’s Social Security numbers and more–information that can be used to open up lines of credit in your name and destroy your credit rating.

ID Theft Victim? CBS Wants to Talk

ID Theft Victim? CBS Wants to Talk

Has your Social Secrity number been stolen and used to get access to your credit? A CBS producer working on an identity theft story would like to speak with you. If you’ve been victimized in this way and would like to share your story, drop an email to We’ll be your merry matchmaker.

The News: Evil Had a Birthday

The News: Evil Had a Birthday

• Inspired by The Antichrist’s birthday, Google admits being to being evil after all. [CT]

Debit Card Hacker Interviewed

Debit Card Hacker Interviewed

Small World’s Bazooka Joe interviews “John Dillinger,” a debit card hacker who participated in the infamous “Russian Connection” ATM hack scandal. He discusses how he and others hacked millions of debit card accounts and why the story never makes the mainstream news., Ernst & Young Lose 0.25 Million Credit Card Numbers, Ernst & Young Lose 0.25 Million Credit Card Numbers

250,000 customers woke up to super great news Friday morning: “Um, sorry guys, all your credit card numbers were stolen.”

1,000,000-plus Students’ Personal Data Lost in Texas

1,000,000-plus Students’ Personal Data Lost in Texas

Poof. The records of over a million customers at Texas A&M’s largest student loan provider have been lost. The records contained personal information about the borrowers.