identity theft

ConEd Customer's Personal Info Highly Vulnerable To Online Theft

ConEd customer’s personal information is in grave danger. ConEd’s online account system is easily crackable, only requiring entering an account number.

StolenID Search: See If  Your Identity Was Stolen, Just Type In Your SSN….

StolenID Search: See If Your Identity Was Stolen, Just Type In Your SSN….

Has someone stolen your social security or credit card number? StolenIDSearch is a new site aims to answer this question that has tickled the back of most American’s minds at some point, especially in light of the recent spree of retailer breaches and stolen laptops containing reams of personal information.

ThisIsDumb: Commerce Bank’s Monitors Face Window

ThisIsDumb: Commerce Bank’s Monitors Face Window

Can you spot the problem in this picture? Reader Conformco snagged it and writes:

BofA Identity Theft Victim Gets Massive Runaround

Carmela’s Bank of America bank account was stolen. Someone was posting fraudulent transactions on her account. When she reported it to BofA, she entered into a colossal fun trap of transfers and incompetent support staff, even after visiting the branch on 107th and Broadway in Manhattan. However, rather than fighting The Man, she should have:

Messiah The Cat Gets $4200 Credit Card

Messiah The Cat Gets $4200 Credit Card

Meow! Meow! That’s the sound of Messiah, a cat, charging expensive lingerie on his new credit card.

Resolve To Be A Smarter Consumer

It’s that time of year again, when the gym sign-up fees are low and the expectations are high. It’s the time for making resolutions, and if you’re looking for a few… we have some suggestions. This year, you can resolve to be a smarter consumer.

No-Swipe Credit Cards Pose Risk Says Senator

Credit cards that use RFID signals to conduct transactions could put consumers at risk for identity theft and credit card fraud, Sen. Charles Schumer, D-NY said in a press conference Sunday.

Pictorial Guide To This Year In Personal ID Breaches

Pictorial Guide To This Year In Personal ID Breaches

Back when laptops containing SS #s were getting stolen every week, we mused about doing a chart like this. Then we thought, nah, NYT will do one and do it a lot better than we ever could.

NYC RFID Subway Turnstiles Spread

NYC RFID Subway Turnstiles Spread

Nothing Can Save You From Hotels Stealing Your Credit Cards

A call with Washington Mutual confirms that besides vigilance, there’s nothing you can do to stop hotels from stealing your credit card information.

Hotel Workers Arrested For Stealing Guest Credit Cards

Hotel Workers Arrested For Stealing Guest Credit Cards

10 owners, managers and employees of 7 Joliet area hotels were arrested last night for selling guest credit card numbers. A scam, authorities say, that could be going on across the nation.

ID Thief Lawyer Lashes Out Against ‘Invasive’ Cameramen

ID Thief Lawyer Lashes Out Against ‘Invasive’ Cameramen

What is it with identity thieves and their propensity for violence?

Long-Distance RFID Snagging Possible, Already Done

Long-Distance RFID Snagging Possible, Already Done

After posting about the danger posed by magic wand credit cards, some readers pooh-poohed the notion that someone could build a device capable of reading RFID from a distance.

Foil RFID Thieves. Literally.

The tin-foil hat contingent may have finally hit on something right.

No-Swipe Credit Card No Problem For Thieves

No-Swipe Credit Card No Problem For Thieves

Radio-frequency enabled credit cards allow consumers to complete transactions with a flick of the wrist, but new research shows that it’s not just consumers and merchants who will find the new system easier.

Protect Yourself Online With A Firewall Bank Account

Protect Yourself Online With A Firewall Bank Account

It’s one thing to protect your identity, weed out phish emails and shop safely, but if you *really* want to prevent a thief from stealing your account online…

Guide To ID Theft Prevention

Guide To ID Theft Prevention

Sometimes ID theft seems like the weather. Everyone talks about it, but what can you do about it? This online guide covers on the dangers, how thieves get your info, and how to protect yourself