ID theft

How The Stop & Shop Thieves Stole Credit Card Info From Right Under The Cashier's Nose

In the Stop & Shop case, police say that late at night — after shopping crowds had thinned and the staff was whittled to a skeletal crew — four young men entered several stores in Rhode Island and Massachusetts, distracted employees and replaced several card-swiping machines with devices that looked similar. The thieves’ systems, however, housed mini circuit boards that recorded customers’ data and PINs.

Ex-McDonald's Franchisee Dumps Sensitive Documents On Someone's Farmland

Ex-McDonald's Franchisee Dumps Sensitive Documents On Someone's Farmland

Lubbock County farmer, Kelly Kelsey contacted the Lubbock County Sheriff’s office, when he discovered this pile of boxes on his land Tuesday evening while he was working in the field.

Sorry, Chase Does Not Accept $50,000 Checks From God

Sorry, Chase Does Not Accept $50,000 Checks From God

Police were called to Chase Bank, 1800 E. 80th, about 4 p.m. after Russell tried to cash the check, which was written on an invalid Bank One check with no imprint, White said. Russell had several other checks with him that were signed the same way but made out in different dollar amounts, including one for $100,000.

Who knew that the Lord and Savior had to worry about ID theft?—MEGHANN MARCO

TJ Maxx Security Breach Happened A Year Earlier Than Previously Reported

“TJX Cos. said today that the unauthorized intrusion into its computer system occurred nearly a year earlier than it previously believed.

Comcast Leaves Customer Information Out On the Curb for Anyone To See

Neighbors say the trash includes customers account information. This afternoon, when we looked at the piles of trash, you could see through the plastic what appeared to be customer bills.

Comcast doesn’t return calls about the problem. Can’t they afford a paper shredder?! At least make the ID thieves work for their money, Comcast. —MEGHANN MARCO

Welcome to Faulkton, South Dakota, Pop. 800, Home of The 2nd Highest Risk For ID Theft In The US

Where you live has a lot to do with your level of risk for ID theft. According to Computerworld:

Faulkton S.D. has a population of 800 and virtually no crime to speak of. Yet the citizens of this rural town are second only to the people in Floral Park, N.Y. when it comes to being at risk for having their identities stolen.

When examined at a 3 zipcode level, the results become a little less freakish and patterns emerge.

Macy’s Wants Your Social Security Number For A Gift Card Return

Reader George writes in because Macy’s asked his wife for her Social Security Number when she tried to return a pair of jeans she bought online with a gift card. No, she wasn’t trying to get cash back. Yes, she had all the documentation from

Driver’s License Data Stolen in PA

Driver’s License Data Stolen in PA

If you’re one of 11,000 people from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, you might be at risk of ID theft after a driver’s license facility computer was stolen Tuesday. The computer contained photos, addresses and in about half the cases SSNs. The thieves also stole equipment for making driver’s licenses. Whoops. —MEGHANN MARCO

EB Games Scans Your ID?

EB Games Scans Your ID?

My concerns here are two: 1) They leave photocopies of IDs on the countertop for any evildoer to see? Not very secure. 2) They’re scanning IDs of people trading in used games and they don’t bother telling anyone that they’re doing it?

ID Theft Risk for New Hires

ID Theft Risk for New Hires

“We learned last week that ACS experienced a security breach involving a computer stolen from its Denver office. We believe it is very important to report this information to you. According to ACS, this computer may have contained the names, addresses, and Social Security Numbers of employees of many companies – including some Wal-Mart associates hired in the last eight months, whether or not they live in Colorado.”

HOWTO: Avoid ID Theft

HOWTO: Avoid ID Theft

According a Gallup poll 19% of consumers report having their financial information stolen including a bank or credit card number.