Let’s face it — most of us are never going to be the mayor of our own village. But if you’ve got some cash to spare, you can buy your way into deputy mayordom by renting a Hungarian village for just $750 a day. [More]

Soccer Team Requires Fans To Scan Hands Before Entering Games
If you think it’s a hassle getting a pat-down and walking through a metal detector at an NFL or baseball game, that’s nothing compared to what fans of one professional soccer team have to go through. In an effort to identify hooligans and cut down on hooliganism, the team now requires hand scans from all of its hometown fans before entering the stadium. [More]

On A Hot Date But Low On Cash? Don't Steal The Condom Machine
A man in Hungary found himself banned from a bar after he got caught attempting to exit the establishment with an entire condom vending machine under his coat. [More]

Michael Jackson Pro-Pedophile Poster Boy in Hungary
Poor Michael Jackson. Although found not guilty of molesting a child over at the Neverland ranch, he can’t quite get over the stigma of being an accused child molester. Not only have the authorities shut down Neverland, but now Hungarian political parties are featuring his unique, ghoulish visage on candidacy posters, accusing their opponents of being pro-pedophilia.