
How To: Tailor Your Shirt With The "Pinch And Pin"

PREVIOUSLY: How To: Sew A Button On The Right Way

How To Avoid Losing Your Security Deposit

How To Avoid Losing Your Security Deposit

How To Figure Out How Many BTUs You Need In Your A/C

How To Figure Out How Many BTUs You Need In Your A/C

Hot times are coming and you may find yourself buying a new air conditioner, but how do you figure out how many BTUs you need? Silencedotcom over in the Consumerist Forums posted this BTU guide:

Do A Background Check On Yourself

Do A Background Check On Yourself

Companies can order all sorts of reports on you and make judgments about you, from banks, to landlords to employers. Here’s how you can see the data they’re seeing and make sure the record is right.

Make A Camera Tripod From A Tennis Ball

Make A Camera Tripod From A Tennis Ball

This nifty Instructable shows you how to make a tripod for light-weight cameras by cutting up a tennis ball.

How To Pick A Financial Planner

How To Pick A Financial Planner

Let’s say you’re the kind that can make money but don’t know what to do with it once it’s yours. Or perhaps you know a bit about personal finance but need some help on the more complicated matters associated with managing your money. Or maybe you don’t want a thing to do with handling your finances — you simply want to turn them over to someone else. In all of these cases (and several others you can likely imagine), you may be in the market for a financial adviser. But the world of financial planners is full of sharks, say CNNMoney and USAToday:

In most states, anyone can call themselves a financial adviser, even if they don’t have any training.

So how do you pick a financial planner who knows what she’s doing and who won’t rip you off by only working to turn your money into her money? A couple thoughts…

Get A C.L.U.E. Report

Get A C.L.U.E. Report

Whoever thought a car crash could affect your house? Even if you weren’t even involved in the car crash?

How To Beat The Stock Market: Buy Companies With High Customer Satisfaction Scores

How To Beat The Stock Market: Buy Companies With High Customer Satisfaction Scores

Using a back-tested paper portfolio and an actual case, the authors of a study published in the Journal of Marketing found that companies at the top 20% of the the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) greatly outperformed the the stock market, generating a 40% return.

How To: Use Glade Refills On The Oust Fan

How To: Use Glade Refills On The Oust Fan

Glade Scented Oil Refills Cost $0.15 per ml. Oust refills cost $0.33 per ml. Here is how to get Glade scented oil refills into an Oust Portable Fan. Yay. —MEGHANN MARCO

How To Sell On eBay

How To Sell On eBay

No Credit Needed made over $1000 in 2005 selling baby clothes on eBay as a way to get out of debt. He’s sharing 15 tips he learned, but fear not, childless readers, most apply to selling any kind of item at the online auction site. For one,

How To Protect Against Mechanic's Liens

How To Protect Against Mechanic's Liens

Last week we wrote about how if your contractor doesn’t pay his sub-contractors, you can find them coming after the value of your house, a process called a mechanic’s lien.

How To Launch An Executive Email Carpet Bomb

How To Launch An Executive Email Carpet Bomb

Here’s a classic tactic for rattling the corporate monkey tree to make sure your complaint gets shoved under the nose of someone with decision-making powers. Let’s call it the “EECB,” or Executive Email Carpet Bomb…

How To Replace Lost Important Documents

How To Replace Lost Important Documents

Lost an important document? Misplaced your birth certificate, driver’s license, passport, social security card, property deed, title insurance policy, mortgage, car title, marriage license, divorce paper, or diploma?

Lifehacker Roundup

Lifehacker Roundup

“MapsKrieg helps you find apartments, houses for rent, sublets and more by mashing Craigslist listings with Google Maps.”

Make Your Own Vintage Jeans

Make Your Own Vintage Jeans

Curbly has a neat idea for making your own pair of vintage jeans. Take a pair of old jeans and soak them in a tub of hot water and an old sock filled with coffee grounds. In the morning, they’ll have a nice patina. For further distressing, you can use a cheese grater for small scuffs and tears, or put objects in the pocket and sandpaper over them.

Lifehacker Roundup

Lifehacker Roundup

“…six must-know facts about HDTVs, which he says most people don’t use properly.”

Filing A Good Complaint Roundup

“A letter of complaint is an opportunity to arm someone who may be unfamiliar with your problem with the fact necessary to investigate.”

How To Negotiate What You Want From Sprint Retentions

How To Negotiate What You Want From Sprint Retentions

A former call center worker told us how to get to, and deal with, Sprint retentions department so they will fix billing errors, or waive fees.