While we’ve had our own share of meat scandals in our nation’s history, Americans with a love of Mr. Ed and Black Beauty watched dismayed about two years ago, as Europe was in the throes of huge horsemeat scandal. And now, a Dutch businessman linked to the meat switcheroo, where horsemeat was sold as beef, is headed to prison. [More]

It Ain’t Over Yet: Dutch Authorities Pull 50,000 Tons Of Beef Over Horsemeat Concerns
If it seemed like the horsemeat scandal was slowing down over yonder in Europe, that was probably a premature supposition. Dutch authorities in the Netherlands are pulling 50,000 tons of beef from the shelves of stores all across Europe over fears that it could possibly contain horsemeat. [More]

U.S. To Ramp Up Species Testing Of Food Imports Because Eating Horse Is Gross
For anyone who’s been terrified, grossed out or otherwise disturbed by the horsemeat scare over yonder in Europe, take heart: After assuring U.S. consumers that we’re not facing the same tainted food scenario, federal regulators are pledging to ramp up “species testing” on imported meats just to be absolutely sure Mr. Ed doesn’t land on the dinner table. [More]

IKEA Bringing Meatballs Back To The Menu In Europe After Horsemeat Scare
Who’s hungry for some IKEA meatballs? They’re back on the menu in Europe. Before you get all squirrelly about it in the stomach region due to that horsemeat scare that caused the home goods store to stop selling them in Europe, relax. The chain says its new approach to food is “farm to fork.” Ostensibly, horse farms are not included. [More]

Federal Legislation Would Ban Export Of Horses For Slaughter, Protect Public From “Toxic Meat”
While U.S. consumers have been sitting fairly pretty over here during Europe’s horsemeat scare, the hullabaloo has served to stir up some action stateside as well. New federal legislation is seeking to ban the export of American horses for slaughter, reinstate a ban on slaughtering them here and also protect the public from eating “toxic” horsemeat. [More]

Another Day, Another Horsemeat Scare For IKEA: This Time It’s Hotdogs
We’ve all yelled in exasperation at a partly assembled piece of IKEA furniture while waving around wordless directions, but at least no one ever (that we know of) found horsemeat in a dresser. The retailer’s food isn’t so lucky: After pulling meatballs in Europe due to the horsemeat scare and almond cakes for coliform bacteria, the latest product to join the recalled product club is Russian hotdogs. Guess why? [More]

Horsemeat Shows Up In UK Taco Bell Beef; Iceland Discovers Meat Pies Without Meat
If you thought the horsemeat hullabaloo was settling down over there in Europe, you’d be wrong. IKEA was one of the most well-known companies to announce it was investigating its products for contamination, and now it’s been joined by Taco Bell and Bird’s Eye. Will it ever stop? Let’s hope so. [More]

Which Is Worse To Find In Your Burger: Horsemeat Or Feces?
As Europe continues to spiral into horsemeat contamination pandemonium, it can be kinda easy to feel smug, sitting pretty over here in the United States with our horse-free burgers. But lest ye forget that there are other food dangers out there, it’s good to remind ourselves that grossness can strike in other, hooveless forms. [More]

Philadelphia Restaurant Wants Horse On The Menu Since That’s Going Over So Well In Europe
While our European brethren are in the midst of a full-on horsemeat freak out, here in the States we’re probably safe from accidentally ingesting horse in the guise of beef. But one Philadelphia restaurant thinks people would love a bite of equine fare and is aiming to add horse to the menu. On purpose. [More]

IKEA Pulls Meatballs From Stores In 14 European Stores Because Of Yup, Horsemeat
Perhaps you thought the horsemeat crisis spreading across Europe had been contained or even just quieted down for a bit. But no, yet another retailer has announced the discovery of horsemeat in its food, and this time it’s a big one. IKEA says it’s pulled meatballs from stores in 14 European countries after the Czech Republic store said it found horsemeat in the product there. [More]

Horsemeat Found In UK School Meals But Kids Likely Didn’t Eat Much Of It
Someone over there in Europe, please, can you just make it stop? Reading about the ever spiraling horsemeat scandal hurts our horse-loving hearts so, but it doesn’t sound like the scandal is going away any time soon. UK officials say horse DNA was found in cottage pies sent to 47 schools in Lancashire, but the kids probably didn’t eat much of it. Whew. [More]

Horsemeat Scandal Widens To 16 Countries & Everyone’s Busy Pointing Fingers
Over the course of the last few weeks, Europe has been rocked by the revelation that horsemeat has been found in various “beef” products, from lasagna to burgers. At first it seemed the scandal was contained to the U.K., Ireland and France, but now things are spiraling outward to include as many as 16 countries. Finding out who to blame is still very much up in the air, however. [More]