Five years ago, shortly before Christmas 2010, a reader complained to us that the photo-printing service Snapfish over-promised on their Christmas shipping deadlines, running late on her calendars and failing to get them to her before the holiday. This year, they seem to be doing the same on a massive scale, missing their advertised shipping dates due to “unprecedented volume.” [More]
holiday season 2015

Toys ‘R’ Us Tries Bold Experiment In Actually Stocking Toys
Shoppers visit a store called Toys ‘R’ Us because they’re looking for toys, and because they want those toys immediately. Otherwise, wouldn’t they shop online? Yet for the last few years, Toys ‘R’ Us has considered an item “in stock” if they have only three on the shelf, losing out on sales when they didn’t have items that shoppers wanted. [More]

UPS Predicts 630 Million Packages Between Thanksgiving And December 31
FedEx predicted that they’ll process 317 million packages this holiday season between Thanksgiving and Christmas Day, and now UPS has made their own prediction public: they anticipate processing at least 630 million packages this year, an increase of 10% over last year. There are two problems with that figure: UPS has been really bad at predicting package volume the last two years, and more of those items are being shipped to residential addresses. [More]