There’s the homemade costume that didn’t turn out like you dreamed, the candy bag that springs a hole unnoticed until the trick-or-treating is done, and the sudden flash of bad, stormy weather raining all over your carefully madeup skeleton face. All are big bummers on Halloween… and then there are huge wild boars roaming around, ruining trick-or-treating night in an entirely different way. [More]

Florida Town Worried Roving Wild Boars Will Put A Damper On Trick-Or-Treating Fun This Year

Indiana Farm First To Publicly Confirm Second Outbreak Of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea
Don’t think you care about the porcine epidemic diarrhea hitting farms around the country. Consider your bacon: If you like eating pork, it’ll be a lot harder to buy it if pigs keep dying from the virus. And now that one farm has come out to confirm that it’s been hit a second time when many believed an initial sweep would immunize pigs, it seems that pork might get a bit pricier. [More]

Is Gold Fever The Next Bacon Bubble?
Gold prices may be setting new highs almost daily, but to commodity traders, the shiny metal is just another line on a graph. And it’s a line that’s starting to look very familiar to some traders, who see a pattern similar to one that played out recently with hogs. Prices for pigs flew to new highs, and then started drifting back into the mud. [More]

Tainted Pet Food Hits Human Food Supply
California officials quarantined 1,500 animals at the American Hog Farm and are tracking who purchased nearly 100 hogs from the farm this month, when the animals’ feed included pet food that had been tainted with melamine.