We’ve followed the nationwide invasion of zombie retailers such as Sharper Image, Circuit City and Linens ‘N’ Things–brands that go bankrupt, then reappear on the web or in the same strip malls they originally roamed. Zombie brands don’t just exist in retail, though. Mainstreet.com rounded up a horde of re-animated brands that includes a magazine and a major-league sports franchise. [More]

DirecTV Viewers, Your Hockey May Be Melting
DirecTV and Versus Network — which shows NHL games — can’t agree on terms, meaning hockey fans may be in danger of having their TV-unfriendly sport not showing up much on TV this season.

8 Banks Took $153.4 Billion In Tax Payer Money, Spent $845 Million On Naming Rights
Should bailout out banks be buying naming rights? Dennis Kucinich doesn’t think so, and last week he urged the Treasury department to cancel one such deal between Citibank and the New York Mets. Now Bloomberg says that seven more bailed out banks are spending money on stadium rights.

UPDATE: Hey, Comcast! Where’s The Hockey?
Friday, we reported that Comcast — despite advertisements to the contrary — had no ability to supply you with the blade gougings and skate-sliced fingers of that sport of men, National Hockey.
Hey Comcast! Where’s The Hockey?
Hey, it’s almost hockey season. And the temptation of vicariously thrilling at four months of ice fights would be enough for even the most hearty Consumerist to set aside their health disdain for Comcast and sign up for their NHL Center Ice Package.