here we go again


UPS: Hackers Hit Computer Systems At 51 Retail Stores, Possibly Exposing Customer Info

Did I bump my head and wake up in late 2013? Because it sure feels like deja vu with a slew of recent data breaches: Joining P.F. Chang’s, a group of supermarket chains and Community Health Systems in this month’s data breach roll call is United Parcel Service, which says 51 of its retail store locations had their computer systems hacked. [More]

GM Recalls 269,001 Saturns, Chevrolets, Cadillacs, Buicks, And Pontiacs

GM Recalls 269,001 Saturns, Chevrolets, Cadillacs, Buicks, And Pontiacs

Well, it’s the end of business on a Friday afternoon, so that means it must be time for another General Motors recall! As part of their apparent effort to recall every GM vehicle on the roads at least once, this afternoon the company announced the recall of 202,115 cars from current brands Buick, Cadillac, and Chevrolet, and from defunct brands Saturn and Pontiac. [More]


Two California Cities Trying To Pass Laws That Would Tax Sugary Drinks By The Ounce

Now that the crusade against soda and other sugary drinks has been effectively quashed in New York City, two West Coast municipalities are trying to take up the torch. San Francisco and Berkeley are trying to become the first cities in the U.S. to pass per-ounce taxes on sugary drinks, and the industry is paying attention. [More]

Samsung Gear Fit Wristband Causes Rash, Must Be Returned With All Accessories

Samsung Gear Fit Wristband Causes Rash, Must Be Returned With All Accessories

There are currently a lot of wearable fitness trackers on the market, locked in a battle for wrist domination. Reader Rob bought Samsung’s cool-looking Gear Fit a few months ago, and really likes it. Except for how some of the coating wore off the wristband clasp and he’s developed a mysterious rash on his wrist. [More]


Apple And Samsung Back In Court For Round Eleventy Billion Of Their Legal Fight

What’s happened once has happened before, and will happen again. Whether or not you ascribe to that kind of Battlestar Galactica/Rust Cohle on True Detective life view, it certainly feels like seeing Apple and Samsung in the legal ring again was inevitable. We’re on about round eleventy billion, give or take an eleventy, as the two head back to court today in a dustup over patents. Again. [More]

We Said 'So Long' To SOPA — Should We Be Worrying About CISPA Now?

Just when you think the tricky tricksters are done trying to take away our online freedom, they pop back up. We might need to start playing whack-a-mole again like we did during the anti-SOPA/PIPA days way back when in January — there’s a new law on the block aimed at restricting online rights. CISPA, everyone. Everyone, CISPA. [More]

PayPal Tells Buyer To Destroy Purchased Violin Instead Of Return For Refund

PayPal Tells Buyer To Destroy Purchased Violin Instead Of Return For Refund

Oh PayPal… will you never learn how to resolve a situation without having everyone hate you? Mere weeks after enduring the wrath of the internet resulting from its war with, PayPal has once again hit viral vitriol gold. This time, a seller claims that she’s out $2,500 and an antique violin after the company told the buyer to destroy the instrument. [More]

Comcast Suffers Major Midwest Outage

Comcast Suffers Major Midwest Outage

Another major outage hit Comcast customers, this time in the Midwest. Like the outage that occurred exactly a week ago on the East Coast, this one too started on a Sunday and involved their DNS servers being down. [More]

Get Your Rock & Roll Buzz On With Whitesnake Wine

Get Your Rock & Roll Buzz On With Whitesnake Wine

Tired of the same old stuffy wines? Are they missing that special something that would blow your hair out to epic proportions and make Tawny Kitaen writhe half-naked on the hood of your car? Thankfully, come July 1, that hole in your life will be filled… at $24.95/bottle. [More]

How Bad Would Another Recall Be For Toyota?

How Bad Would Another Recall Be For Toyota?

As the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Toyota look into whether or not complaints of steering problems in 2009 and 2010 Corollas merit a recall, it’s worth investigating both the potential financial and public relations costs for the auto giant. [More]