
(Pen Waggener)

Doctors Say Drinking A Gallon Of Iced Tea Every Day Could’ve Caused Man’s Mysterious Kidney Failure

Even when it comes to delicious, refreshing drinks, too much of a good thing can sometimes be dangerous: In a letter published in a scientific journal, doctors say drinking a gallon of iced tea every day could’ve led to kidney failure in a 56-year-old man who just couldn’t get enough of the stuff. [More]


Dietitian Group’s “Kids Eat Right” Logo Won’t Be On Kraft Singles Packages After All

Kraft Singles won’t come with a stamp from the Academy of Nutrition and Diatetics reading “Kids Eat Right” anymore, after a group of dietitians signed a petition calling to put an end to the partnership. The petition claims that having such a logo makes it seem like the group is endorsing the cheese product. [More]


Why Is Food That Doesn’t Contain Any Grains Labeled ‘Gluten-Free’?

In the last few years, you may have noticed two words appearing on the front of food packages in stores and in your own cupboard. “Gluten-Free,” they brag. That’s nice, but gluten is a substance found in wheat and some other cereal grains. Why do foods that never would have included wheat in the first place boast on their labels about their lack of gluten? [More]


Police: Active Meth Lab Discovered In Backpack Abandoned In Walmart Bathroom

While running a successful meth lab isn’t easy even under the best circumstances — and this is coming entirely from watching Breaking Bad, obviously — keeping an active operation going in a Walmart bathroom doesn’t seem like a guarantee for success. To that end, police say they’ve discovered an active meth lab, hidden inside a backpack, abandoned in an Indiana Walmart’s bathroom. [More]


Michigan Lawmakers Want To Bring Back School Bake Sales

In an attempt to bring back that event many remember as a particularly sugary, joyous time at school, Michigan lawmakers have introduced legislation that would lift the current ban on bake sales, saying school groups are in need of such fundraisers to keep going. [More]


Health Officials: Three People Contracted Measles From Contagious Restaurant Worker In Las Vegas

Disneyland isn’t the only place dealing with measles outbreaks these days, as health officials in Nevada say they believe three new cases of the disease have been linked back to a Las Vegas restaurant worker who was contagious while on the job. [More]

Angry JulieMonday

Swiss Researchers Working On Telescopic Contact Lenses That Activate With A Wink

Though the idea of having anything other than a regular contact lens on one’s eye might provoke a few uncomfortable blinks just thinking about it for some, there could be a whole lot more going on to aid human vision in the future, with developments made recently by Swiss researchers working on contacts that have tiny telescopes in them. [More]

Chocolate Reviews

FDA Finds Some Dark Chocolate Products Contain Milk, Despite Their Labels

‘Tis the season for showing you remembered to buy something for your loved one, but if the object of your affection is lactose-intolerant, you might want to think twice before splashing out on a deluxe dark chocolate Valentine’s Day gift. [More]


CDC: Many Packaged Toddler Foods Contain Too Much Salt, Sugar

While the ease of pre-packaged meals for the wee set is surely tempting, a new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says parents should be aware that many contain worrisome amounts of salt and sugar. [More]


Health Officials Link Measles Outbreak Back To Disneyland, California Adventure Park

Some unlucky visitors to Disneyland and its adjacent California Adventure park have been bringing back more than a pair of mouse ears from vacation, health officials say in California, with a current measles outbreak getting traced back to the theme parks. Yes, people still get measles. [More]

(Plankton 4:20)

Study: Tanning Beds Responsible For Average Of 3,234 Injuries Per Year That Send People To The ER

When the weather outside is frightful and the sun is nowhere to be found in the winter months, some people might turn to an indoor tanning bed to get their glow on. But beyond the chance for cancer from the exposure to ultraviolet radiation, there’s the risk of getting burned, bumped or bruised, says a new study on tanning bed use. [More]

The FTC received a court order to put an end to allegedly deceptive weight-loss products.

FTC Stops Company From Charging $210 For Pills That “Burn Fat Without Diet Or Exercise”

Consumers who buy into a product that promises to let you lose weight while continuing to sit on the couch eating bonbons will likely lose more money than they will pounds. Such was the case for the customers of a dietary supplement company being shut down at the request of the Federal Trade Commission for making unsubstantiated health claims and signing consumers up for monthly charges without their knowledge. [More]


FDA Going After Companies Offering Unapproved Ebola Medications

While the country is watching the news of every new Ebola case very closely, the federal government doesn’t want the worrying to get so out of hand that people start looking for medications to prevent or treat Ebola. Since there are currently none approved by the Food and Drug Administration, the government is already cracking down on a handful of companies promising to provide relief from Ebola. [More]


Company Touts “Ebola Containment Suit” As Literally The Most “Viral” Costume This Halloween

Sometimes I like to think that just once there will be a tragic situation that won’t lead to someone trying to make a buck off a serious situation. But hey, it’s Halloween, when sensitivity to world events apparently goes out the window. So why not charge people $79.99 to dress up in an “Ebola Containment Suit”? [More]


Here’s What It Looks Like After Someone Shouts “I Have Ebola, You’re All Screwed!” On A Plane

You know the saying about how you should never yell “Fire!” in a theater? Let’s bring that maxim up to date, and amend it to add that you should also refrain from shouting, “I have Ebola, you’re all screwed!” on an airplane. Because that will result in the hazardous materials folks showing up and generally spoiling an entire planeful of people’s plans for an uneventful flight. [More]

(Ed Yourdon)

Report: Chain Restaurants Have Cut An Average Of 60 Calories From New Menu Items

While a calorie count isn’t the full story of a dish’s healthiness, menus around America have nonetheless been trimming calories from their items, according to a new study that looked at restaurant chains in 2012 compared to 2013. On average, new menu items lost 60 calories from one year to the next. [More]

(Don Hankins)

Woman Accused Of Faking Cancer To Get Donations Arrested On Her Way To Film TV Show

An Illinois woman who’s been accused of pretending both she and her son have cancer in order to scam people out of money was reportedly on her way to film an interview for the Dr. Phil show when cops caught up with her, warrant in hand. [More]


Scientists Accidentally Find Switch In Mouse’s Brain That Can Turn Appetite On Or Off

What if you had the superhuman ability to resist a plate of say, fresh cheese curds, or maybe a giant vat of banana pudding? The power to walk away from your favorite food could be within reach eventually, after scientists stumbled on a sort of appetite on/off switch in the brain of mice. [More]