
10 Questions To Ask Your Doctor Before Surgery

10 Questions To Ask Your Doctor Before Surgery

Healthbolt’s got a good list of 10 questions you should ask before undergoing surgical procedure.

Mayo Clinic Likes the Idea Behind the Wii

A new Mayo Clinic study shows that adding activity to video games helps fight obesity.

Xenadrine, TrimSpa, CortiSlim, One-A-Day Makers to Pay $26 Million

Xenadrine, TrimSpa, CortiSlim, One-A-Day Makers to Pay $26 Million

    Bayer AG and several smaller companies agreed to pay the U.S. government almost $26 million to settle allegations of false weight-loss advertising claims, the Federal Trade Commission said on Thursday.

Skin Care: All You Need Is Soap and Sunscreen

Skin Care: All You Need Is Soap and Sunscreen

Unless you have prescription skin care needs, all you really need is cleaner and sunscreen says, Dr. Cook-Bolden, a dermatologist who is part of a back-to-basics movement. From The New York Times:

How KFC Went Trans Fat Free

How KFC Went Trans Fat Free

Business Week has an interesting article about all the R&D that went into Trans Fat Free KFC.

How Not To Be a Fat F****

Continuing her adventures in service journalism, Violent Acres has an acerbic roundup of 10 tips on how to poop the pounds, entitled, “How Not To Be a Fat Fuck.” A selection:

Health Risks of Red Bull & Alcohol

According to Red Bull’s website, the product (which has about the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee) “supplies tired minds and exhausted bodies with vital substances that have been lost, while reducing harmful substances. It provides immediate energy and vitamins.” Oh! Vitamins! It must make binge drinking healthy!

FDA Even Closer To Allowing Cloned Meat With No Special Labels

We reported Tuesday that the FDA was expected to find in favor of allowing cloned meat and milk from cloned animals to enter the food supply without special labeling. On Thursday the FDA issued the expected statement in favor of cloned meat.

1 in 3 Fast Food Customers Will Avoid Taco Bell

USA Today is reporting a poll claiming, “36% of Taco Bell’s best customers — those who eat there once a month or even daily — say that after the recent illnesses, they now eat at Taco Bell less often, or not at all.”

Save On Meds With A Simple Question

Pay less for drugs by asking your doctor if there’s an older pill that works the same.

Dirty Birds: Chicken is Full of Bacteria

Dirty Birds: Chicken is Full of Bacteria

A particularly disgusting survey by Consumer Reports claims that their “analysis of fresh, whole broilers bought nationwide revealed that 83 percent harbored campylobacter or salmonella, the leading bacterial causes of foodborne disease.” Ew! Cheaper birds weren’t more likely to have bacteria, “Overall, chickens labeled as organic or raised without antibiotics and costing $3 to $5 per pound were more likely to harbor salmonella than were conventionally produced broilers that cost more like $1 per pound.” Birds also harbored antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria. “Twenty percent of campylobacter samples were resistant to ciprofloxacin (Cipro)” So that’s awesome news.

FDA Calls For Stricter Warnings on Tylenol and Other OTC Drugs

“Non-prescription pain relievers used by millions of U.S. consumers need stronger health warnings regarding liver or stomach risk, the Food and Drug Administration said Tuesday.” The drugs in questions are acetaminophen (Tylenol), and NSAIDs like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin). In particular acetaminophen is associated with liver problems.

Eli Lilly Promoted Drug For Unapproved Use

Eli Lilly Promoted Drug For Unapproved Use

Drugmaker Eli Lilly pushed physicians to prescribe Zyprexa, a drug for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, to patients having neither condition, NYT reports.

Dangerous Amounts of Lead Found in Capitol Hill Gift Shop Trinkets

If you thought visiting Washington could be bad for your health, you’re right. Seven products, including bracelets, pendants and a souvenir spoon, were removed from the shelves of four gift shops in response to preliminary lead test results requested by Sen.Barack Obama, D-Ill., and Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif.

No E.Coli in Green Onions, Make Up Your Mind.

According to the AP, “McLane Foodservice Inc., the distributor to the Taco Bell restaurants linked with an outbreak of E. coli, said Monday a site investigation by a New Jersey health agency found no evidence of improper storage or handling practices.”

Perfume Pushers Mimic Barneys Employees, Actually Work For The Manufacturer

Perfume Pushers Mimic Barneys Employees, Actually Work For The Manufacturer

Have you ever walked through a department store and been assaulted by fragrance pushers, poofing their scents into your face and asking you to try their fine line of products? It may surprise you to learn that not all of the perfume poofers work for the store, some actually work directly for the manufacturer. Their job is to appear to be be a normal store employee, while steering you towards the scents sold by their real employer.

What Coke Does To Your Body

Mmm, wouldn’t a tall, frosty glass of Coca-Cola really hit the spot right now? Before you suckle on the carbonated syrup teat, Healthbolt blog tells you what exactly it does to your system:

Find A Surgeon Online

Find A Surgeon Online

Just saw this on the news (thank you, Katie Couric): HealthGrades is a website giving consumers unprecedented access to health procedure cost and hospital information.