

A whisteblower lawsuit by a former employee alleges that Medicare and Medicard are being defrauded for millions of dollars by a complex three-card-monte scheme perpetrated by hospitals and group purchasing programs. [NYT] ]

Decode Your Genome For $1,000

Decode Your Genome For $1,000

For $1,000, a small California-based company called 23andMe (financed in part by Google) will decode your DNA and tell you whatever it can about your predispositions, health risks, and family traits—for example, whether or not you’re in line for the same heart disease that affected your father and grandfather, which is what the author of the Wired article wondered. (Turns out he’s not, but he’s at a higher risk of developing glaucoma. When one door opens…)

Health Record Privacy Law Is Messing Up Research

Health Record Privacy Law Is Messing Up Research

Just days after a deputy director of national intelligence told Americans that we need to rethink our concepts of privacy, comes news that it may, in fact, be harming us in the long run. In a recent national survey, nearly 70% of research scientists said the 2003 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is “impeding scientific research, stalling clinical studies and halting others altogether.”

Watch Out For Bedbugs When Traveling

Watch Out For Bedbugs When Traveling

The next time you’re in a hotel, whether it’s a cheap day-rate one for your sad little affair or a luxurious business suite that the company has unwittingly paid for, check to see whether the mattress has an “allergy free” cover on it—it’s a codeword for “bedbug-proof.” Also, if you see trained beagles roaming the hotel sniffing out mold, there’s a good chance the “mold” is another codeword for “bedbug.” Hotels are quietly doing their best to locate and exterminate the insects to protect themselves from particularly vengeful lawsuits—but since an infestation can occur anywhere (it has nothing to do with “cleanliness” or sanitation), it’s a tough battle to win.

University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Cracks Down On Drug Reps

University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Cracks Down On Drug Reps

The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center is cracking down on drug reps, according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Details are still sketchy, but the general idea is that drug reps will no longer have direct access to doctors, but will instead drop off samples via a central office that will then distribute them to the staff.

Health Insurer Paid Out $20k In Bonuses For Dropping Sick Policyholders

Health Insurer Paid Out $20k In Bonuses For Dropping Sick Policyholders

The Los Angeles Times reports that Health Net Inc., one of California’s largest insurers, “avoided paying $35.5 million in medical expenses by rescinding about 1,600 policies between 2000 and 2006.” Its senior analyst in charge of cancellations, Barbara Fowler, made $20,000 in bonuses during that period for meeting cancellation goals. We hope for her family’s health that she uses that extra money to buy insurance from a better company than Health Net.

Zocor May Cause Sleep Problems In Patients

Zocor May Cause Sleep Problems In Patients

A new study from the University of California at San Diego School of Medicine suggests that simvastatin, also known as the cholesterol-lowering drug Zocor, may interfere with sleep patterns: “people who took the statin drug Zocor or simvastatin found they had significantly worse sleep quality compared with people who took Pravachol or pravastatin, another cholesterol-lowering drug.” Simvastatin is fat soluble, which means it can more easily penetrate cell membranes and mess with brain chemistry.

How To Pick A Good Doctor

How To Pick A Good Doctor

“Most people spend more time picking out a can of beans than a new doctor,” says one expert in a Chicago Tribune article about how to find a properly licensed doctor that you’ll get along with. He and other experts recommend you arrange for a “first date” sort of interview, so you can ask general questions and get an overall feel for both the doctor and the practice, before the time comes when you need a doctor and don’t have the luxury of shopping around.

"Hide Your Old Pills In Poop"

"Hide Your Old Pills In Poop"

The Reuters headline is so perfect, we can’t improve upon it. Hide your old pills in poop, folks, before you discard them, especially ones that are frequently abused like the painkillers oxycodone, morphine, and fentanyl, and the stimulant methylphenidate.

Secret Camera Investigation: Every Single Hotel Failed To Wash Your Cups And Glasses

Secret Camera Investigation: Every Single Hotel Failed To Wash Your Cups And Glasses

Fox Atlanta set up secret cameras inside 5 different hotel chains from the Holiday Inn to the Ritz Carlton (shown above) and caught every single one of them failing to properly wash the room’s glasses.

Costco Is A Good Place To Buy Eyeglasses?

Costco Is A Good Place To Buy Eyeglasses?

ABCNews asked a optometrist to write a bifocal prescription and have it filled at Costco, Target, LensCrafters and Walmart, then they asked him to rate the quality of the glasses.

Can't Sleep? Try Behavioral Changes Before Sleeping Pills

Can't Sleep? Try Behavioral Changes Before Sleeping Pills

The health blog at the New York Times points out that there are all sorts of behavioral changes you can adopt to fight insomnia that have been proven to work—they just sound so ordinary and common that people either don’t think they’re effective or assume pills will work better.


Companies are racing to take out trans fats from their products. But what of the fats they’re replacing them with? [WSJ via Consumer World Blog]

Red Bull Gives Your Blood Pressure Wings

Red Bull Gives Your Blood Pressure Wings

People who have high blood pressure might want to avoid energy drinks, because a new study suggests that they might interfere directly with blood pressure or hamper the effectiveness of medications. The drinks, which have high levels of caffeine and taurine (“an amino acid found in protein-rich foods like meat and fish that can affect heart function and blood pressure”), raise blood pressure and heart rates in healthy individuals, but not to dangerous levels. However, for people who have cardiovascular disease or are taking heart rate or blood pressure medication, the increase could be “significant.”

Top 10 Most Butt-Blimping Fast Foods

Top 10 Most Butt-Blimping Fast Foods

A Calorie Counter has put together an awesome graph of all the fast food offerings. Based on his charts, here’s the most calorie packed fast food items, the ones most likely to bloat your belly:

Many Olive Garden And Macaroni Grill Dishes Are Over 1,000 Calories

Many Olive Garden And Macaroni Grill Dishes Are Over 1,000 Calories

We wrote about this before, but now here’s the caloric breakdowns of the two eateries menus, inside…

Fake Med Promoted Via Fraudulent Government Health & Drug Watchdog Site

Fake Med Promoted Via Fraudulent Government Health & Drug Watchdog Site

The Chinese government has discovered a fake diabetes medicine on a fake research institute website, which then links to a fake version of the official government health and drug watchdog agency’s site. If you’re paying attention to urls, it’s hard to not notice that something’s wrong—but we’re sure there’s more than enough people who don’t notice that little detail.

Pfizer Launches Campaign To Warn Users Away From Generic Competitor

Pfizer Launches Campaign To Warn Users Away From Generic Competitor

Pfizer is in panic mode about its rapid decline in Lipitor sales—in the last 18 months, it has dropped from 40% of the market for cholesterol-lowering drugs to 30%, and likely to drop further—so it’s launched a big media-blitz to convince people not to switch to simvastatin, the generic version of its name-brand competitor, Zocor. Zocor was more expensive than Lipitor, so Pfizer had nothing to worry about for years—but then Zocor lost its patent protection last year, and now doctors are switching patients from Lipitor over to Zocor’s generic twin to save money.