
American Airlines Doesn't Care If You Were Rushed To The ER With Appendicitis. You Are A No Show, And Will Receive No Refund.

American Airlines Doesn't Care If You Were Rushed To The ER With Appendicitis. You Are A No Show, And Will Receive No Refund.

“What is ya’lls experience with dealing with AA when the passenger has a case of appendicitis? My sister is going under the knife in London right now, and was admitted to the ER 6hrs before her scheduled flight back to Seattle. We’ve called AA and they say no chance of getting any sort of re-booking, rebate, coupon, or whatever because she was listed as a “No Show” for the flight. We called the airline before the flight to inform them of the situation.”

Drug Companies Spend Almost $60 Billion On Marketing, $30 Billion On Research. What?

It’s okay for drug companies to spend oodles on advertising because they spend even more making sure their drugs are safe and effective, right? Not so much, according to a study in PLOS Medicine.

American Airlines India-to-U.S. Flight May Have Spread Tuberculosis

American Airlines India-to-U.S. Flight May Have Spread Tuberculosis

A woman infected with multidrug-resistent tuberculosis, or MDR TB, “traveled from New Delhi to Chicago on American Airlines Flight 293 on December 13, and then to California on a domestic flight,” say officials with the Centers for Disease Control. They’re now trying to locate 44 passengers who sat near the woman as well as crewmembers who worked in the same cabin.


How many people here had weight loss as one of their New Year’s resolutions? Here’s a guide to losing weight without the hype or spending a bunch of money on stuff that doesn’t work. [ACalorieCounter]

Mass. Residents Face Monthly Fines For Going Without Health Insurance

Mass. Residents Face Monthly Fines For Going Without Health Insurance

Residents in Mass., who refuse to get health insurance will soon face monthly fines of up to $76 , says the AP:

The fines are part of an increasingly aggressive approach written into the health care law designed to pressure Massachusetts residents into getting insurance. The law, intended to create near-universal coverage in the state, was approved by lawmakers and signed by former Gov. Mitt Romney in 2006.

Starbucks Baristas Don't Like The New "Skinny" Drinks

Starbucks Baristas Don't Like The New "Skinny" Drinks

A few days ago Starbucks started their new “skinny” drink program. Ordering a drink “skinny” means you’d like sugar-free syrup, non-fat milk, and no whip cream. We didn’t write about it because, um, you can already order that if you want , and we figured you didn’t really care that a basic drink order had a new marketing nickname.

Two Die From Listeria Infections, Tainted Milk Suspected

Two Die From Listeria Infections, Tainted Milk Suspected

State health authorities tonight urged consumers not to drink milk produced by Whittier Farms in Shrewsbury after an investigation showed it is the likely source of a bacterial illness that killed two elderly men and made two other people sick.


Good News: The New York Times recommends “rethinking” any beauty product that costs more than $30. [NYT]


Bayer is recalling certain diabetes test strips because they tend to over-report blood glucose level readings by 5 to 17 percent. Affected lots begin with WK7 and then either a D, E, F or G. All other lot numbers are fine and can be used. More information.

California's Raw Milk Suppliers Soured By Tough Bacteria Standards

California's Raw Milk Suppliers Soured By Tough Bacteria Standards

California dairies are bristling under regulations that limit the amount of yucky coliform bacteria allowed in raw milk. The new health standards set a maximum of 10 coliforms per milliliter, which upsets Mark McAfee, the founder of California’s largest raw milk dairy. According to McAfee, “There’s quite a ruckus right now.” Let’s see how he frames the issue.

If You Can't Read Your Prescription, How Can Your Pharmacist?

If You Can't Read Your Prescription, How Can Your Pharmacist?

As much as we’d like to believe that pharmacists have an X-man-style power that allows them to correctly read the worst handwriting imaginable… they don’t.


Researchers found that playing a Wii doesn’t burn a whole lot more calories per hour than an Xbox, 167 vs 107, respectively. [icWales via The Raw Feed]

FDA Issues New Warnings Over Misuse Of Duragesic Patch

FDA Issues New Warnings Over Misuse Of Duragesic Patch

The FDA said today that a small number of preventable cases of accidental death have occurred since their first Duragesic warning in 2005, prompting them to ask Johnson & Johnson and the makers of a generic version to add new warnings. “Despite a July 2005 warning, the Food and Drug Administration ‘has continued to receive reports of deaths and life-threatening side effects after doctors have inappropriately prescribed the patch or patients have incorrectly used it,’ the agency said.”

Which Do You Prefer? One Cat? Or A Thousand Rats?

Luis Martinez, 42, has managed his brother’s grocery in East New York, Brooklyn, for two years. At first, despite weekly visits from an exterminator, the store’s inventory was ravaged constantly by nibbling vermin.


The lawyer for the family whose daughter died after CIGNA declined to pay for her liver transplant said that he will urge the DA’s office to press manslaughter charges against CIGNA for having “maliciously killed her.” [AP]

As CIGNA Insurance Waffles On Liver Transplant, Girl Dies

As CIGNA Insurance Waffles On Liver Transplant, Girl Dies

CIGNA denied a girl’s liver transplant, saying it was “experimental,” then changed it’s mind after 150 family, friends, and nurses association members protested outside CIGNA headquarters. But the reversal was too late, Natalee Sarkisian, 17, died last night at UCLA medical center. The insurance company had initially agreed to pay for the liver transplant, but then after Natalee developed a lung infection, then got a bone marrow transplant from her brother, delayed, and then denied coverage, the family says. She was in a vegetative state, battling leukemia. In an email sent out shortly before Natalee died, the insurance company wrote, ” … CIGNA HealthCare has decided to make an exception in this rare and unusual case and we will provide coverage should she proceed with the requested liver transplant.” Score another one for the bean counters.


Hey sick people! If you have the norovirus, or stomach flu, stay home and stop giving it to everyone else via the holiday party punchbowl. Ok? [WSJ Health Blog]

Odd Gadget Turns Man Blue

Odd Gadget Turns Man Blue

Paul Karason is blue. He has been drinking colloidal silver for the past 14 years. He gets his silver fix by putting a device with two metal prongs running electricity that injects silver into water.