
Database Shows How Likely It Is You Will Die At A Dialysis Clinic

Database Shows How Likely It Is You Will Die At A Dialysis Clinic

For the first time ever, patients can have access to previously secret government information about survival rates at specific dialysis clinics. ProPublica got the info through a Freedom of Information Act request and has put it together in an easily searchable database. This is important because some of these places, especially if they’re for-profit, have pretty bad track records at keeping their patients alive. [More]

Eat Less By Imagining You're Eating More

Eat Less By Imagining You're Eating More

If you’re trying to cut back on how much you chow down, before you dig in, try imagining yourself eating much more than is in front of you. A new study found that people who practiced visualizing in this way wind up eating about 2/3 less. [More]

Even Women With Insurance Put Off Mammograms

Even Women With Insurance Put Off Mammograms

A new study reports that even women with insurance are putting off getting mammograms, says CBS News. The study looked at health insurance claims from women and found that nearly 50% of those 40 and older had not had a yearly mammogram — and nearly 40% of those over 50 didn’t even have one every two years. [More]

For-Profit Dialysis Centers Have Higher Mortality Rates, Up To 24%

For-Profit Dialysis Centers Have Higher Mortality Rates, Up To 24%

If you’re a patient at the largest for-profit dialysis chain in America, you’re 19% more likely to end up dying than if you went to a non-profit chain. If you’re at the second-largest for-profit chain, you’re 24% more likely to die. These disturbing results were released in a new study in the Health Services Research journal. Guess if you’re going in for dialsysis, you’ll want to think carefully about your choice of treatment options and don’t forget to include a non-profit center in your selection process. [More]

Flame Retardants Found In Butter

Flame Retardants Found In Butter

I can’t believe it’s not butter! Well, it’s not. It’s flame retardant, and food researchers found it inside butter they bought from the supermarket. [More]

What Is A Fatal Dose Of Four Loko?

What Is A Fatal Dose Of Four Loko?

“How many Four Lokos would it take to kill you?” wondered Esquire. So they turned to a report in Forensic Science International that says the rare fatal caffeine overdose usually requires consuming over 5 grams. To reach that level it would take… [More]

Dentist Left Instruments In Patients' Teeth

Dentist Left Instruments In Patients' Teeth

A New York dentist has been ordered back to school after being accused of leaving instruments behind in patients’ mouths during root canals. [More]

Experts: You Don't Need Extra Calcium, Vitamin D

Experts: You Don't Need Extra Calcium, Vitamin D

Those daily vitamin supplements may not be doing as much good as you think, and may in fact harm you. A committee of medical experts from the Institute of Medicine released a report that says excessive amounts of calcium and vitamin D aren’t helpful. [More]

1 In 7 Medicare Patients Harmed By Treatment Errors

1 In 7 Medicare Patients Harmed By Treatment Errors

A new Federal study finds that 1 out of every 7 Medicare patients are harmed during their hospital stays by treatment errors. These gaffes include bed sores, excessive bleeding, urinary tract infections, and mistaken medication. [More]

"Pure Chocolate" Does Not Exist, EU Court Rules

"Pure Chocolate" Does Not Exist, EU Court Rules

There’s no such thing as “pure chocolate,” says a European Union high court, and the phrase cannot appear on the front of candy packages. [More]

Drug Co's Pledge To Choose More Closely Docs They Pay

Drug Co's Pledge To Choose More Closely Docs They Pay

Several big pharma companies pledged to more tightly screen the doctors they pay to pimp their drugs to other medical professionals. The news comes after a major ProPublica investigation revealed the pill makers were paying princely sums to some docs with splotchy backgrounds. [More]

Forget The Double Down, This Is The Double Kill

Forget The Double Down, This Is The Double Kill

Every time I look at a KFC Double Down, I think to myself, you know what this is missing? Onion rings, mac and cheese, beef patties, and of course, buns. Thankfully the boys of “Epic Meal Time” have rectified this significant oversight. And then they ate it. [More]

UK Asks McDonald's, Pepsi, KFC To Help Write Health Policy

UK Asks McDonald's, Pepsi, KFC To Help Write Health Policy

In a move that seems as sensible as asking your creepy uncle who just got out of jail to babysit for the weekend, the UK is looking to such luminaries in the health food industry as McDonald’s, KFC and Pepsi for assistance in writing government policy on obesity and other health problems. [More]

Some Reusable Shopping Bags Have Lead

Some Reusable Shopping Bags Have Lead

Scrape off the trendiness and a popular “green” choice is actually “gray” underneath; some reusable shopping bags contain lead. [More]

Know What Else Doesn't Rot? A Homemade Burger.

Know What Else Doesn't Rot? A Homemade Burger.

There’s a bunch of different iterations of people photographing how their McDonald’s burger left out for a long time doesn’t get moldy, and they’ve gotten lots of internet attention. But they all forgot to do something very simple: make a homemade burger and document it alongside. [More]

Drug Co. Accused Of Bribing Doctors To Prescribe Eye

Drug Co. Accused Of Bribing Doctors To Prescribe Eye Drug

NYT has uncovered a program of hush-hush rebates they say Genentech gives to doctors to encourage them to prescribe the pricier eye medication Lucentis over cheaper alternatives. [More]

Blame Your Friends For Making You Fat

Blame Your Friends For Making You Fat

Fat is contagious! [More]

Why Does US Have Worst Fatality Rate From Kidney Dialysis?

Why Does US Have Worst Fatality Rate From Kidney Dialysis?

Just about anyone diagnosed with kidney failure can get their kidney dialysis fully covered under Medicare. So why are taxpayers paying $20 billion a year for a program that lets 25% of the patients die within a year, the worst fatality rate of the first world? Why do only two chains run 2/3 of all clinics? And why won’t the government release important data that could improve the quality of care? An investigation in The Atlantic probes this issue in depth. [More]