Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield has a microsite game called “Resist The System” where if you ask too many questions the health care receptionist’s head explode. [More]
health care mosh pit

Al Franken: How Many Medical Bankruptcies Are There In Switzerland?
We stray into politics often at our peril but I had to share this clip of Sen. Franken kneecapping a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute conservative think tank. In what was supposed to be a hearing on the Medical Bankruptcy Fairness Act, Diana Furchtgott-Roth instead used her testimony to pillory against health care reform proposals not even being discussed. After Sen. Whitehouse asks her if she even read the bill at hand, Sen. Franken goes: “You said the way we’re going will increase bankruptcies…How many bankruptcies because of medical crises were there last year in Switzerland?”