Twitter has long allowed users to contact each other privately through Direct Messages, but usually only if the two accounts are following each other. That’s about to change. [More]

Uber’s Carpool Service: Helping Strangers Find Love In The Back Of A Car
Move over online dating sites, there’s a new player looking to make love connections between near strangers, albeit inadvertently. While the Uber app has been hooking up passengers with drivers for a while, the company is now apparently facilitating romance via its carpooling-like UberPool service. [More]

That Stranger Knocking On Your Door Might Work For The Census
Don’t panic if a stranger shows up at your door sometime in the next few months asking how many people live in your home. They work for the Census Bureau, not IDT, and they’re starting their decennial door-knocking party to figure out how big a slice of the federal government’s annual $300 billion pork pie your community deserves.