It’s really too easy to make fun of idiotic and overpriced items available for sale in places like Hammacher Schlemmer, Skymall, Brookstone, infomercials and even the more distant and strange corners of Amazon. Yet sometimes there’s a product so baffling that we have to feature it anyway. The Beer Glass Froster for home use is one of those products. [More]
hammacher schlemmer

Hammacher Schlemmer Helps Consumerist Reader With Refund
This morning, the general manager of Hammacher Schlemmer saw the post about The Unrefundable Headache Wrap and left his contact info in the comments section. I forwarded it on to Tanya, and she’s just emailed me back with good news. [More]

Meet 'The Imaginary Refund Policy' From Hammacher Schlemmer
It turns out Hammacher Schlemmer doesn’t want their goofy products any more than you do. Tanya in Canada has been trying for a month to get a refund on a product she felt didn’t live up to its promise, but the company won’t even acknowledge whether they’ve received it. Update: Hammacher Schlemmer has responded, and issued the refund. [More]

The Dumb Health Scare Gadget
Quick, give Hammacher Schlemmer $70 + shipping so you can bring one of these magic H1N1 wand obliterators with you on Black Friday! The “technology for people who don’t get technology” catalogue explains that the wand’s UV light will kill “99.98%” of H1N1 viruses after you hold it 3/4″ above a surface for at least 5 seconds. That’s certainly convenient. Just carry it with you and use it on doors, boxes, shopping carts, and of course the cashier’s hands before you accept any change. Be sure to bring an adapter for your car, however, because it only lasts about 90 minutes after an 8-hour charge.
Morning Deals Round Up
• We have been informed that Express’s Annual $20 off all jeans sale begins today, and according to their website, that is totally true. However, we have also been informed that this sale “historically never includes the ones embellished with $100’s worth of rhinstones on the ass.”