We all know that it’s not a great idea to use an easy-to-guess password such as “123456,” although plenty of people do that. Instead, we’re often told to use complicated strings of words, numbers, and special characters to protect our online personas, as they were thought to be more difficult to guess — and sometimes to remember. Now, though, the man who kicked off the involved password era says maybe he wasn’t right after all. [More]

Man Who Suggested Complicated, Always Changing Passwords Now Has Regrets

Dutch Teen Collects One Million United Airlines Miles For Finding Security Flaws
Next time you’re sitting on a United Airlines flight next to a European teenager getting the royal treatment, it could be the latest young hacker to figure out a security flaw in the airline’s network. [More]

Look On The Bright Side, Target: At Least These 3 Credit Card Hacks Were Bigger Than Yours
Target is probably having a very unmerry holiday season right now dealing with the credit card breach that likely affected about 40 million accounts. Target might be the retail version of a sad Charlie Brown at Christmas right now, but hey, it could be worse. No, really. [More]

Three More Sony Sites Fall To Hackers
Sony got hacked. Again. In three different countries. The music giant confirmed that it had to shut down its Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications shopping site in Canada after thieves broke in and stole personal information of about 2,000 customers. [More]