hack attack

Payment Processor: Up To 1.5 Million Credit Card Numbers Stolen

Payment Processor: Up To 1.5 Million Credit Card Numbers Stolen

The news from the hacked third-party payment processor for MasterCard and Visa got worse over the weekend, as early reported estimates of around 50,000 card numbers put at risk turned out to be wrong by 1.45 million. [More]

MasterCard, Visa Payment Processor Says Violation Occurred In Early March; 50,000 Cards At Risk

MasterCard, Visa Payment Processor Says Violation Occurred In Early March; 50,000 Cards At Risk

Earlier today, we wrote about how MasterCard and Visa had begun notifying banks about a possible data breach at a third-party company that processes credit card payments. Now more information has come out regarding when the breach occurred and how many people may be affected. [More]

MasterCard, Visa Warn Banks Of Possible Data Breach

MasterCard, Visa Warn Banks Of Possible Data Breach

MasterCard has notified law enforcement and banks that issue its cards of a possible data breach at a third-party payment processing company. [More]

Report: Info For 73,000 Porn Subscribers Has Been Breached

Report: Info For 73,000 Porn Subscribers Has Been Breached

A group of hackers has announced they’ve dipped into the personal info of 73,000 subscribers to porn site Digital Playground, tapping usernames, email addresses and passwords, as well as credit card information for 40,000 cards. Subscribers have been notified of the breach, and the site isn’t accepting new members. [More]

24 Million Zappos Accounts May Have Been Compromised

24 Million Zappos Accounts May Have Been Compromised

Late Sunday night, several readers wrote in to say they had received an e-mail from the shoe-selling folks at Zappos.com letting them know that their personal information, including part of their credit card number, may have been compromised by hackers. [More]

HP Responds To Claims That Hackers Could Cause Your Printer To Go Up In Flames

HP Responds To Claims That Hackers Could Cause Your Printer To Go Up In Flames

Yesterday, we brought you the story of a team of Columbia University researchers who claim they have discovered a way that hackers could infiltrate any number of networked printers to do anything from steal information to cause your paper to smolder and possibly catch fire. But the folks at HP, which was singled out in the report, have now come out to defend their product and refute the researchers’ claims. [More]

Researchers: Some Printers Vulnerable To Hack Attack That Could Lead To Fire

Researchers: Some Printers Vulnerable To Hack Attack That Could Lead To Fire

It’s like something out of a movie starring Matthew Broderick. Researchers at Columbia University claim they’ve discovered a vulnerability that could let hackers remotely access your printer for nefarious hijinks, like making said printer go up in flames. [More]

Hershey's Website Hacked… To Change Recipe

Hershey's Website Hacked… To Change Recipe

While a number of websites and mailing lists have fallen victim to attacks intent on stealing personal information or just proving that the hack was possible, whoever managed to penetrate the security of the Hershey’s Chocolate website had a much more insidious goal: changing recipes. [More]

Which Credit Card Companies Do The Best At Keeping Your Data Safe?

Which Credit Card Companies Do The Best At Keeping Your Data Safe?

According to the Identity Theft Resource Center, there have already been 216 credit card data breaches in 2011, including the Citi hack that resulted in $2.7 million of stolen funds. And while the number of breaches is down from 333 during the same period of time from last year, the security of our credit card information is still a big concern. [More]

Around $2.7 Million Stolen From Citi Accounts After Hack

Around $2.7 Million Stolen From Citi Accounts After Hack

The fallout continues from the May 10 breach of Citi’s credit card account files by hackers. The bank now says that a total of around $2.7 million was stolen from a relatively small percentage of the 360,000 breached accounts. [More]

How Hackers Stole 200,000+ Citi Accounts Just By Changing Numbers In The URL

How Hackers Stole 200,000+ Citi Accounts Just By Changing Numbers In The URL

Details have emerged has to how hackers were able to steal over 200,000 Citi customer accounts, including names, credit card numbers, mailing addresses and email addresses. It turns out quite easily, in fact. All they had to do was log in as a customer and change around a few numbers into the browser’s URL bar, NYT reports. Facepalm. [More]

Report: Citi Knew About Credit Card Hack For Weeks Before Going Public

Report: Citi Knew About Credit Card Hack For Weeks Before Going Public

Last week, Citigroup announced that around 200,000 credit card accounts had been compromised by hackers, but a new report from the Wall Street Journal says the bank knew something was wrong weeks earlier. [More]

Breach: Citi Says Hackers Stole Hundreds Of Thousands Of Credit Cards

Breach: Citi Says Hackers Stole Hundreds Of Thousands Of Credit Cards

Roughly 200,000 Citi customers’ credit cards were stolen by hackers in a breach the bank just announced today. The data included names, credit card numbers, mailing addresses and email addresses. [More]

Nintendo's US Servers Hacked, Says No User Info Was Compromised

Nintendo's US Servers Hacked, Says No User Info Was Compromised

Following in Sony’s unfortunate footsteps, Nintendo announced that their US servers were hacked Sunday, but they say no personal or company information was lost. [More]

Sony: PlayStation Network Users' Credit Card Info May Have Been Leaked

Sony: PlayStation Network Users' Credit Card Info May Have Been Leaked

Sony’s early bid for a high seed in next year’s Worst Company tournament continues, as does the mass outage of its PlayStation Network. Yesterday, the company admitted that it wasn’t sure if users’ credit card info was compromised by whatever evil forces hacked the system, but now Sony has slightly upgraded that uncertainty by saying that credit card info may have been leaked. [More]

Sony Not Sure If Credit Card Info Was Compromised During PSN Outage

Sony Not Sure If Credit Card Info Was Compromised During PSN Outage

Sony continues to deal with the fallout of its huge PlayStation Network outage, which has not only left 75 million users without access, but which also may have compromised users’ credit card information. [More]

E-Mail Breach Hits Best Buy, TiVo, Walgreens, Chase, Kroger, Many More

E-Mail Breach Hits Best Buy, TiVo, Walgreens, Chase, Kroger, Many More

What first looked like a small e-mail list breach at New York & Company over the weekend was just the tip of the iceberg as multiple national retailers and banks found themselves the victim of the same data hackers. [More]