guy kewney

Guy Kewney’s Congoese Doppelganger to be Deported

Guy Kewney’s Congoese Doppelganger to be Deported

Poor Guy Goma! For a brief moment, that Congoese crackerjack who expertly bullshitted his way through a BBC interview on the Apple Records vs. Apple Computers judgment when he was mistaken for Guy Kewney looked like he was well on his way to television stardom. We personally envisioned a syndicated call-in show where Guy Goma fielded questions about subjects on which he knew absolutely nothing. While the real Guy Kewney fumed and sputtered, Guy Goma became a star, dreaming of capitalizing on his sudden fame to find work.

UPDATE: Will The Real Guy Kewney Please Stand Up?

UPDATE: Will The Real Guy Kewney Please Stand Up?

Earlier we noted how the BBC mistakenly interviewed a French-Algerian taxi driver on his views about Apple iTunes downloads on national television, thinking he was Guy Kewney, editor of

Will The Real Guy Kewney Please Stand Up?

Will The Real Guy Kewney Please Stand Up?

Guy Kewney, editor of, describes himself on his blog as “fair-haired, blue-eyed, prominent-nosed, and with the sort of pale skin that makes my dermatologist wince each time I complain about an itchy mole.” That’s him to the right, looking like every philosophy professor we ever had.