

Google’s Settlement With Group Of Publishers Means You Can Read More Before You Buy

It’s taken all of seven years and plenty of time in court, but Google and a group of publishers have finally reached an out-of-court settlement to resolve a dispute over the digitization of books for the Google Library Project. What does that mean? Hopefully that longer samples of books will be available in Google Play before consumers have to decide whether or not to buy it. [More]

Google adds Street View to iOS browser maps

Still No Google Maps App For iOS 6, But You Can Now Access Street View

As many people with an iOS device noticed when they upgraded to iOS 6, their Google Maps app had vanished into the ether, replaced with a map app that even Apple admits maybe isn’t that great right now. For people who still wanted to use Google Maps, they could still view them via a web browser, and now Google has turned on Street View. [More]

(Joshua B. Leners)

Time Warner, AT&T Miffed At Kansas City For Treating Google’s High-Speed Fiber Network So Much Better

The grass is always greener on the other side, and that’s so true when it comes to Time Warner Cable and AT&T in Kansas City, Kan. and Kansas City, Mo. Not only is the grass a brighter hue over on the side of Google, but its rivals are also turning that envious shade as well. TWC and AT&T are miffed because of the red carpet treatment the city is giving Google and the ultra high-speed fiber network it’s building there. [More]

(Louis Abate)

Google Voice Customers Cry Out For Help, No One At Google Hears Them

We’ve written before about Google’s approach to public-facing customer service: they have none. They sell upgraded cloud services, number porting through Google Voice, and the occasional Android smartphone. What they don’t particularly seem to want to do is actually deal with any of the icky customers who have purchased these services. Reader Indub is one of many customers with actual problems who can’t get a response out of Google. [More]