
Glaxo Funding Fat Film To Promote Poop-Causing Drug

Glaxo Funding Fat Film To Promote Poop-Causing Drug

In an effort to get more people to try Alli — an over-the-counter weight-loss drug with side effects that include what our friends at Consumer Reports Health delicately refer to as “an urgent need to defecate” — drug maker GlaxoSmithKline has decided to make a movie about the dangers of overeating. And they’ve chosen the Creative Coalition, an advocacy group that includes Alec Baldwin and Susan Sarandon among its members, to make the film. [More]

Glaxo Buys Aging Retardation Drug Company

Glaxo Buys Aging Retardation Drug Company

GlaxoSmithKline is buying a U.S. biotechnology company that is researching resveratrol, the chemical compound found in red wine that may retard the aging process. The CEO of the company says that “drugs that mimic resveratrol, by activating enzymes called sirtuins, could ‘treat in a safe, natural new way, many of the major killers of western society.'” We can’t wait to see the commercials that GSK puts out for this one.