Smartphones are great, sure. But the problem with your modern smartphone is that the outside is made of glass — and humans are, well, kind of klutzes, by and large. So cracked screens happen. A lot. Now, Apple is making it easier for iPhone owners to get their screens properly repaired — but it’s also a tactic to help the company avoid laws requiring them to let you fix your own phone. [More]

Cashews Sold At Aldi Recalled Because Glass Isn’t A Tasty Snack
If your afternoon snack today includes cashews you bought at Aldi, you might want to step away from the can: The packages of nuts have been recalled, as they could contain pieces of glass. [More]

Publix Recalls Artichoke And Spinach Dip For Possible Glass Pieces
An artichoke and spinach dip is a tasty addition to a party that you can almost pretend is healthy, because there are vegetables in it. One seasoning that you should leave behind, though, is tiny pieces of glass. That’s why supermarket chain Publix is recalling house-brand dips sold in the deli departments of its stores in six states. [More]

Trader Joe’s Applesauce Recalled Because Apples Don’t Contain Glass
There are number of things you can put in applesauce to give it a bit of a kick: cinnamon, brown sugar, but definitely not glass. Yet, Trader Joe’s is recalling its applesauce over concerns it might contain that dangerous, unwanted ingredient.

Sierra Nevada Issues Beer Recall In 35 States Because Glass Is Not Part Of An IPA
Whether or not you like an India Pale Ale or a hoppy beer is a matter of personal taste, but glass is never supposed to be part of a cool beverage. Unfortunately, thanks to a manufacturing defect, it’s possible that some could end up in a variety of Sierra Nevada beers, and so the company has issued a massive recall of recently-bottled beer spanning 35 states and DC. [More]

Corona Beer Bottles Recalled Because No One Wants To Drink Glass
When grabbing a beer after work today, you might want to spend a little extra time examining the Corona bottle staring back at you from the fridge, as Constellation Brands — a division of Anheuser-Busch InBev — announced the recall of certain 12- and 18-backs of the bottled beer because they may contain glass particles. [More]

1.5M Bottles Of Sweet Leaf Tea Recalled Over Glass Fragments
Some days you just don’t want water or a soda to go with your lunch, so instead you pick up a bottle of something a little sweeter. But if that something else happens to be Sweet Leaf Tea, it might contain an extra ingredient: glass fragments. [More]

Eyewear Maker Luxottica Says The New Version Of Google Glass Is On Its Way
For those who didn’t get a chance/didn’t want to jump on the Google Glass bandwagon the first time it rolled around, with its oft-maligned design that allows people to record everything they’re seeing (including people who might not want to be filmed), you’ll soon have the opportunity to get/make fun of/criticize a new version soon. [More]

How A Recycled Glass Bottle Becomes Another Glass Bottle
Have you always wondered what happens to glass containers after the recycling truck scoops them up from the curb? The crack GIF-making team at NPR’s Planet Money visited a plant in New Jersey that’s now able to take glass bottles and turn them into something other than sparkly construction materials. In a series of animations, they take readers through the whole process. [Planet Money] [More]

Some Walmart, Kroger Store-Brand Peas & Mixed Vegetables Recalled Because You Are Not Supposed To Eat Glass
On Friday, the Pictsweet Company of Bells, TN, announced a recall of some of its products containing green peas — and sold under the store brands of Kroger and Walmart — after the company learned that some of the packages may contain glass fragments. [More]

Trader Joe's Redefines Organic, Puts Glass in Your Sorbet
Specialty store Trader Joe’s is very common with the college hipster crowd; decent prices, organic foods, and the ever-drinkable Two Buck Chuck. For tipster Gil’s sake, they better have some organic band-aids and DIY Surgery kits — at least one of their products comes with a shard of all-natural glass. Full letter after the fold.

Got Kids? Glass Coffee Tables Can Be Crazy Dangerous
An 11-year-old girl from Providence, R.I. recently died after falling into or jumping on a glass table. She suffered a severe puncture wound and died of uncontrollable bleeding.

Delta Creative Settles With Artist Over Defective Paint Products
Remember Vickie and her defective Delta Creative PermEnamel experience? It ruined several of her pieces, not because she applied it incorrectly but because something was wrong with the product. It happens sometimes with products, no big deal. What was a big deal was the company’s CEO, Bill George, refused to approve a compensation payment that his employees had already agreed to with Vickie, leaving her with no choice but to contact a lawyer and write to us. It looks like Delta Creative and the artist have now resolved the issue, and she’s sent us a statement saying everything has been resolved to her “complete satisfaction.”

Delta Creative Prez Denies Refund: "We're Not In The Business Of Reimbursement"
I have used the Delta PermEnamel Products for several years with marvelous results. This was an isolated incident which I would not expect to recur. This isolated incident has been resolved to my complete satisfaction. Thank you, Delta Creative, Inc.

Sam Adams Recalled Due To Glass Shards Inside Bottles
Sam Adams has recalled some beer due to defective bottles that may contain shards of glass, says the company.

Hey Amazon: Cast Iron Frying Pans And Glass Don't Mix
I’m sure you get a number of these, but here’s another one because I know I don’t get tired of them. A word of advice to anyone planning on making a purchase from that I overlooked myself; do not order anything glass with anything heavy, as they most likely WILL package them together.

Glass Baby Bottles Hit The Market To Answer Concerned Parents' Fears Of Plastic
Earlier this month, several consumer groups announced that heated plastic baby bottles leach bisphenol A “in amounts that were within the range shown to cause harm in animal studies.” Now a reader writes in to tell us that companies are already starting to respond to the issue with announcements that they’ll be releasing glass bottles in addition to plastic versions.