Earlier this year, Harry’s, the online razor subscription service that isn’t Dollar Shave Club, began selling its products in Target stores. The startup put up cool displays shaped like a giant orange razor, and soon half of the razor handles sold at Target were from Harry’s. One-tenth of the blade cartridges sold were from Harry’s. Dominant razor seller Gillette was not pleased. [More]

Make Your Disposable Razor Blade Last For 20 Months
Disposable razor blades can cost $4 a pop and last only a few weeks, but Terry has been going for 20 months on the same cartridge. And yes, he still has a face. How does he do it? [More]

Gilette Raises Razor Blade Prices, Then Deploys Shrink Ray
Greg is unhappy with Gilette, the maker of his favored razor. He writes that first, they raised the prices (at Walmart, at least.) Then the number of razors in each package decreased, from four to three and from eight to six. Will the indignities never end? [More]

15 Victims Of The Grocery Shrink Ray
The Grocery Shrink Ray continues its miniature spree across the supermarket aisles of America. Here’s 14 more victims that have surfaced in the past week, as spotted by our watchful bands of deputized Consumerist reader-investigators…

A Fusion of Form and Dysfunction
Jeff at LDOPA.net bought a new bagless Hoover Fusion vacuum and gave it a little test drive.