A few weeks after flipping the switch on its first next-generation DOCSIS 3.1 modem — which can deliver speeds faster than Google Fiber over existing cable lines — Comcast is detailing plans on which markets will be the first to get access to the service. [More]
gigabit pro

Comcast’s High-Speed Fiber Service Will Cost $300/Month Just For Internet
It’s been a few months since Comcast first announced it would bring super-fast 2 Gbps fiberoptic broadband to a few select markets, but the company had remained quiet about what it intended to charge. Now that we’re seeing what Comcast expects customers to pay, we can understand why. [More]

Comcast Decides Competing Against Municipal Fiber Is Just Fine, Brings 2 Gbps Service to Chattanooga
While most of us languish away without even a flicker on the horizon of someday getting gigabit speeds or real broadband competition, residents in a handful of cities are lucky enough to have both. This summer, Chattanoogans will join the shortlist of Americans who not only have blazing fast internet, but also a choice of providers. [More]

Chicago Suburbs To Get AT&T’s Gigabit Broadband; Comcast High-Speed Coming To Florida
Both Comcast and AT&T have announced the newest markets for their highest-speed residential broadband services, with people in the Chicago, Miami, and Jacksonville areas being the ones to benefit. [More]

Comcast Bringing Super-Fast Fiber Network To Silicon Valley & Other California Markets
Two weeks after Comcast announced that Atlanta would be the first market to get its new Gigabit Pro fiber service — which promises speeds of up to twice that of Google Fiber — the company is now saying it will bring the high-speed broadband to several markets in California where it already offers service. [More]