gas prices

Doctor Arrested For Losing Patience At The Gas Pump

Doctor Arrested For Losing Patience At The Gas Pump

(Photo: Getty)


Diane Craig from Danville, CA. faces arson charges after she set fire to 2 gas stations and a Starbucks to protest high gas prices. Police said they don’t know why she targeted Starbucks. [KCRA] (Thanks to Kristie!)

8 Ways To Get Free Gas This Summer

8 Ways To Get Free Gas This Summer

Very few of us, if any, can say they haven’t felt the strain associated with record high gasoline prices. To help ease some of the pain at the pump, Wisebread has put together a list of 8 promotions that that offer free gas or some money you can put toward gas. The promotions, inside…

High Gas Prices Transform Geo Metros From Weak To Chic

High Gas Prices Transform Geo Metros From Weak To Chic

The formerly mocked and neglected Geo Metro is finding new popularity amidst high gas prices. According to CNN, the Geo Metro is making a spectacular comeback, especially on eBay. You might be surprised to learn that the Geo Metro and Toyota Prius get nearly the same gas mileage. Now consider that a Metro can be found for about $7000 compared to a new Prius which costs $21,000+, it becomes easy to see the attraction. Details, inside…

Record High Prices Drive Police Officer Into Stealing Gas

Record High Prices Drive Police Officer Into Stealing Gas

This is ex-police officer, Craig Bucknor. KSLA reports that the Minden, Lousiana police officer has been arrested and is being charged with felony theft for stealing gasoline from the city. It seems no one is immune from the rising cost of gas. More details, inside…


Consumers promote boycott of Conoco and BP stations along I-80 that post low prices on their signs but then charge 25-50 cents higher on most of the actual pumps. Under state law, the practice is legal. [Lincoln Journal Star]

Shell Station Owner Raises Gas Prices In Protest Against Shell

Shell Station Owner Raises Gas Prices In Protest Against Shell

There’s a much deeper story here, and it begins with Oyster, a respected, self-made businessman who turned a single station into Oyster Petroleum, a profitable firm in Redwood City. Oyster is nobody’s fool. Don’t think he isn’t well aware that the Chevron station across the street is selling regular for 70 cents less.

Have Gas Prices Changed Your Buying Habits?

Have Gas Prices Changed Your Buying Habits?

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Gas Price Election Conspiracy Press Coverage is Adorable

We think it’s cute the way that reporters try to compensate for the partisan nature of reporting on “election conspiracies” and go out of their way to find the most plain-spoken down-homey stereotypically right-leaning type dude they can.

Check The Pump Button

Check The Pump Button

Gabe reports going to his local Sunoco and pressing the button for 87 Octane. When he checked his receipt, he found he was being charged $3.16/gallon instead of the expected $2.96/gallon

BP Oil Leak Maybe Not So Bad

BP Oil Leak Maybe Not So Bad

A 200 gallon British Petroleum oil spill discovered in Alaska’s Prudhoe Bay caused price per gallon to rise past $76 Monday and threaten the shutdown of the nation’s largest oil field. However, BP officials intimated they’re looking into ways to conduct repairs and checks without disabling the entire operation.

BP Closes Major Alaskan Oil Field

BP Closes Major Alaskan Oil Field

Due to a leak, British Petroleum announced an indefinite shutdown of the Prudhoe Bay field, which produces 8% of the US oil supply. Crude oil prices rocketed past $76.

The News; Dance Like Nobody’s Buying

The News; Dance Like Nobody’s Buying

• The Googleplex paid him off in lifetime supply of candy, hair combings. [LAT] “Lawmaker’s Porn Suit Against Google Dropped”

The News

The News

• Airlines fill up on freight to try to make a buck. Cargo crates complain of cramped quarters, having to buy own forklifts. [CT]

HOWTO: Save at the Pump

HOWTO: Save at the Pump

Consumers Are Manic Depressive

Consumers Are Manic Depressive

Unable to decide whether the economy is good or bad, the Chicago Tribune settles for a resounding, “Yes.”

A Tale of Two Gas Stations

A Tale of Two Gas Stations

It’s like that scene in Steinbeck’s The Pearl where the pearl buyers are all lined up in a row, giving the illusion of competitiveness but they’re really in cahoots with one another. Except the pearl is your car and the peasant wins, temporarily.

Flying Cheaper Than Driving

Flying Cheaper Than Driving

Oh to be a reporter, sporting a fedora at a jaunty slant (with that hat brim with which to stick our official reporter card in), glad-handing our sources, uncovering secrets at every turn… and getting paid to fly to Islip on an airplane and then drive back.