Gas ain’t cheap these days, and it probably isn’t going to be cheap again until someone invents the Mr. Fusion machine. But for the next three months, if you have a Walmart credit card, the nation’s largest retailer is offering discounted fuel at stores in 18 states. [More]

GM CEO Thinks $1 Increase In Gas Price Would Do Us All Some Good
General Motors CEO Dan Akerson believes in educating the consumer. That’s why, rather than GM being compelled by Washington to make more fuel efficient cars that might cost us more to purchase, he thinks the drivers of America need to learn a lesson in frugality by being forced to pay more money at the pump. [More]

Gulf Oil CEO: Gas Should Be Down To $3.50/Gallon By July 4
The average price for a gallon of gasoline in the U.S. has been hovering just below the $4 mark for quite some time, with the average now at around $3.80 per gallon. But earlier today, the CEO of Gulf Oil said he expects that price to dip down at least another $.30 by the time we’re setting off fireworks and painting our faces red white and blue for the Fourth of July. [More]

Senators Ask FTC To Investigate Possible Price Fixing By Oil Refiners
Even though the U.S. Attorney General has already begun an inter-agency investigation into the manipulation of oil prices, three senators have asked the Jon Leibowitz, Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission and Consumerist pal, to investigate possible price fixing by this country’s oil refiners. [More]

Drivers Line Up For Cheap Gas After Glitch Lowers Price To $1.10/Gallon
When people in the L.A. neighborhood of Wilmington began to get word that a Valero gas station was selling gas for the low, low price of $1.10 a gallon, there were soon cars lined up around the corner. But this wasn’t some crazy promotional discount; it was a computer glitch that lost the station’s owners thousands of dollars. [More]

Big Oil Execs Defend Need For $21 Billion In Tax Breaks
Even though Exxon Mobil alone earned more than $30 billion in profit in 2010 — and has reported a huge 69% increase in profit in the first quarter of 2011 — that company’s CEO was one of several oil biz execs trying to convince the Senate Finance Committee that they still need $21 billion in tax breaks. [More]

Calculate And Track Your Gas Mileage With Fuelly
The best way to save money on gasoline is to use less of it. You can do that by driving less, and by being more conscious of your car’s gas mileage. Fuelly is a handy little web application that’s easy to use from your smartphone, or your computer. It tracks your gas purchases and mileage over time and calculates miles per gallon overall and per tank. [More]

Attorney General Forms Team To Look Into Oil Price Manipulation
Someone at the Attorney General’s office must have finally looked at how high gasoline prices are right now and thought, “Maybe there’s something more than meets the eye here,” because President Obama announced earlier today that the AG is gathering his forces to see what, if any, behind-the-scenes shenanigans are going on to keep prices so high. [More]