While Netflix and Amazon Prime have been seen as the two main competitors in the subscription streaming market, it’s been difficult to do an apples-to-apples comparison of the two because Amazon has long charged a yearly fee for Prime, and even then the Amazon subscription also includes other benefits like discounted shipping. But now Amazon appears to be taking dead-aim at Netflix with a monthly, streaming-only version of its video service that is less-expensive than the competition. The e-tailer is also looking to expand its Prime membership my making it available on a month-to-month basis. [More]
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Netflix CEO: Pay-Per-View Not In Company's Future
While Amazon now offers both a subscription streaming video selection and pay-per-view movies, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings says that is a road his company has no plans on going down right now. [More]

Report: Netflix Accounts For Up To 20% Of Downstream Bandwidth In U.S.
If you needed anymore convincing that streaming video is now a big deal for Netflix, a new study says that, during certain parts of the day, streams from Netflix account for around 1/5 of the downstream traffic in the U.S. [More]