If you’ve been to Wendy’s enough times, you’ve probably tried a Frosty, the chain’s not-exactly-a-milkshake-but-not-quite-ice-cream dessert offering. The fast food giant is now suing an Ohio-based ice cream company over what it claims is a deliberate attempt to cash in on the Frosty name. [More]

This Photo Might Make You Reconsider Heading Out For A Nice, Cold Wendy’s Frosty
Listen. We understand. Wendy’s makes a delicious Frosty. And if I had my very own machine at home spewing out globs of soft serve, I’d totally slurp it down right from the nozzle. But using the machine at your place of employment — that place being Wendy’s — as your personal, direct-to-mouth Frosty dispenser is gross. [More]

Donate To Diabetes Research, Get Four Frostys From Wendy’s
It could always be worse. Almost exactly a year ago, we shared a KFC promotion that donated part of the purchase price of a ginormous soft drink to type 2 diabetes research. You know, the kind of diabetes that is correlated with poor diet and exercise habits, such as drinking ginormous soft drinks. This year’s Wendy’s promo raises money for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, or type 1 diabetes–the one not correlated to poor dietary habits. Donate $1, and you get four small Frostys, cups of a sugar-laden dairy-like substance. One small Frosty contains 42 grams of sugar, if you’re wondering. That’s 10.5 teaspoons of sweetness, and kind of a weird item to be selling as a fundraiser for a disease that prevents patients from processing sugar correctly. [More]

The Poor, Misunderstood Wendy's Frosty
What, exactly, is a Wendy’s Frosty? Is it a beverage? Is it a milkshake? Is it soft-serve ice cream? Is it simply a vehicle for delivering diamonds to one’s digestive tract? More to the point, is it a beverage or a dessert? Reader Carl doesn’t know. Neither does his local Wendy’s.

This Wendy’s Frosty is even more delicious than the one we posted about yesterday. Dear Wendy’s managers, at least mark through the word “more” if you’re going to list the total price. (Thanks to Chris!)

This Frosty Must Be Delicious
Consumerist reader David saw this awesome special in his local Wendy’s restaurant. We wonder what kind of special magic goes into a Frosty to warrant a $5.99 price increase. Bacon grease? Extra HFCS? A no-spit guarantee? A short song and dance from the cashier? Or maybe they spend the extra money on “how to label signs properly” classes for the staff.