Now that New Yorkers can no longer “inappropriately” use the city’s free WiFi kiosks while web browsing, the agency that runs the program says reports of people monopolizing the spots has dropped 82%. Weird. [More]
free wifi

Starbucks Joins McDonald’s In Blocking Porn Access On Free WiFi
You won’t be able to watch a skin flick with your morning latte at Starbucks anymore: the coffee chain says it’ll join McDonald’s in adding a pornography filter to its in-store WiFi. [More]

Coca-Cola Putting WiFi Hotspots In Soda Machines (But Not In The U.S.)
In an effort to both bring WiFi to underserved areas and market its product to consumers, Coca-Cola South Africa is installing soda machines that also double as WiFi hotspots. [More]

Here’s Why You Should Think Twice About Using AT&T Or Comcast WiFi Hotspots
If you’re a customer of AT&T or Comcast, you’re probably very aware of these two companies’ efforts to create massive networks of free WiFi for their subscribers to use when away from home. But a new report shows just how easy it is for an unseemly character to fake one of these hotspots and steal your information. [More]

Free WiFi Continues To Pop Up In Odd Places
These are boom times for heavy WiFi users. Free WiFi is so ubiquitous that it’s gotten to the point that it’s almost shocking to sit down in public and not be able to pick up a signal. [More]

Taco Bell Will Bring WiFi To 5,600 Restaurants Over The Next 4 Years
Taco Bell apparently believes the secret eighth layer to its metaphorical burrito is free WiFi. Perhaps looking to edge in on the foot traffic coffee shops and bookstores draw in with the service, Taco Bell announced plans to set up 5,600 restaurants over the next four years for wireless internet. [More]

Survey: 32% Of You Are Mooching WiFi From A Neighbor
In spite of growing concerns about online security breaches, a new survey claims that nearly one-third of us are still piggybacking on our neighbors’ unencrypted WiFi. [More]

NYC Parks To Get Free WiFi, At A Price
New Yorkers are slated to get free wifi in 32 public parks next year, but it will come with a pricetag. Park users will get three 10 minute sessions per month, and after that pay 99 cents a day. The money goes to Time Warner and Cablevision, who agreed to provide the wifi as part of the city agreeing to renew their cable-tv franchises for 10 years. Public advocates promptly slammed the deal as the privatization of a public good. [More]

FedEx Office Now Has Free WiFi
While a FedEx Office might not be as comfy or aromatic as a Starbucks, free WiFi access is still free WiFi access. And as of today, around 1,000 of the printing-and-shipping shops (formerly known as FedEx Kinko’s) have begun offering what they claim is free and unlimited internet access from the folks at AT&T. [More]

Starbucks Offers Free Slow WiFi
Now that every Tom Dick and Harry knows about it and has jumped on, the free wifi at Starbucks has now, not particularly surprisingly, become the free slow wifi at Starbucks. [More]

Coffee Shop Hackers: How To Starbucks-Proof Your Laptop
Starbucks is offering free wi-fi in all of their locations starting today, so Lifehacker has some instructions that will help you keep your laptop safe while using public wi-fi. (Not just at Starbucks, obviously.) [More]

Comcast Using Free Wi-Fi To Keep You From Switching To FiOS
Comcast is testing WiFi service at about 120 NJ Transit rail stations in an effort to retain broadband customers who might otherwise be tempted to switch to FiOS. Will it work?
Bolt Bus Is Cool But WiFi Is Slow
I’m riding a Bolt Bus right now. It’s a good cheap way for a car-less person like myself to get from New York to DC for the holidays. A big selling point was the free onboard wifi. Hooray, I thought, I can blog from the road. But I’m finding the connection to be slow and spotty. Tried with both my computer and my gal’s. Scenery sure is nice, though.

Rumors: Starbucks To Launch Free WiFi Tuesday
A blogger who is friends with a Starbucks manager says that it looks like the long-awaited free AT&T WiFi, even if you’re not an AT&T customer, inside Starbucks will launch tomorrow. A few caveats: