Marsha and her fianc√© have a long-distance relationship right now. Normally, that wouldn’t be relevant, but that it means that by the time he bought an Archos Android tablet for her, configured it, and sent it to her on the other end of the country, she was past the ten-day return window Staples allows. When her tablet wouldn’t connect to the Internet, she had to turn to Archos for a warranty replacement. But instead of grabbing a tablet for her from the “refurbished and restored” pile, they grabbed one for her from the “scratched, dirty, and full of porn” pile. [More]
free porn

Attention Shoppers: Free Porn Available On Walmart TVs
Two men have been arrested for playing porn over a half-dozen TV screens in a Fort Smith, AR, Walmart store. The two apparently popped a DVD into a player that controlled several screens, and let it rip. According to police, “the pornographic DVD was visible to the general public as they were shopping” for several minutes.