In the latest entry into the somewhat puzzling “Smell Like The Thing You Love The Most” product category, an “old book” scent is joining previous odd fragrance notables Bitcoin and pizza. [More]

If You’ve Ever Wanted To Smell Like An Old Book, New Perfume Will Make Your Dreams Come True

The Only Abs You’ll See From Abercrombie & Fitch Now Are On A Cologne Bottle
Gone are the days of college dorm rooms papered entirely in panels from Abercrombie & Fitch bags, with abs, golden, undulating abs as far as the eye could see. After announcing last year that the company would be phasing out the ubiquitous stomach muscles in its ads, now the only six-packs you’ll see are on a bottle of the brand’s cologne. [More]

Hasbro Release Play-Doh Perfume
If you’ve ever wished someone would capture your squandered youth, distill it of the nasty bits inside the whipping booth and standing in the schoolyard with your pants down, put in in a bottle and sell it you… have cheer. Hasbro is now selling eau du Play-Doh.