Consumers don’t usually see all the ins-and-outs of TV negotiations, except when a contract expires and a channel wants more money than a provider is willing to pay. When the fight gets bad enough, the parties go nuclear and a channel gets blacked out. Fox News viewers who subscribe to Dish have seen — or rather, not seen — that blackout up close and personal for the last three weeks, but the feud between the two is now over. [More]
fox news

Fox News Blacked Out On Dish Network In Latest Contract Fight
It’s a rough year to be a Dish subscriber: networks just keep falling out of the lineup as the satellite TV company ends up in contract disputes with channel after channel. The latest argument has Fox News and Fox Business blacked out on Dish, and the fight looks like it’s just getting started. [More]

Fox News reports that there are now bread lines in Southern California. Still no word yet on the reappearance of tin can fires. [Fox News]
Fox News Reporters Fired For Being Too Tough on Monsanto Milk
In 1997, the investigative reporting duo of Steve Wilson and Jane Akre cracked a story about Monsanto’s conspiracy to push bovine growth hormone while ignoring the potential risks to its “end users.” Unfortunately, they worked for Fox News. The channel was extremely reticent, to say the least, to run the story after coming under pressure by Monsanto.