Remember that foreclosure mill law firm in NY state that got caught mocking the homeless during Halloween? They subsequently apologized, but that couldn’t keep the firm afloat, and last week it was announced that the company was closing. So whose fault is this? Well, the NY Times’ fault, obviously. [More]
foreclosure mills

Foreclosure Mill Apologizes For Dressing Up In Halloween Costumes That Mocked Foreclosed Homeowners
When pictures of their employees dressed up as homeless foreclosed homeowners for last year’s Halloween were published in the New York Times, the high-volume foreclosure firm brushed the matter aside. They said that it was “another attempt by The New York Times to attack our firm and our work.” But now that it’s blown up in their faces, they’re falling all over themselves to apologize. [More]

Foreclosure Mill Employees Dressed Up In Costumes Mocking Foreclosed Homeowners
What do the employees at a foreclosure mill – a law firm that aggressively pursues massive numbers of foreclosures, even against homeowners in the middle of working out a mortgage mod – dress up for Halloween? Well at one joint, last year they dressed up as homeless former homeowners and as the corpse of a lawyer who filed a class action lawsuit against them, according to photos sent to the New York Times. [More]

Robosigners Showered With Jewels, Cars, Even House Payments
It’s hard work signing thousands of documents a day, even if you don’t have to read them. Your hand can cramp like something awful! [More]